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021[ⁱʳˡ]↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

gym class has never been particularly fun, but it's especially uncomfortable this monday.

after avoiding seeing the sturniolos all weekend, she ended up asking maddy to give her a ride to school.

the rest of her classes have been fairly busy, her being able to safely stay out of their way. that is, until she has to pick partners in her gym class.

matt won't work. he won't even talk to her. hayden yelled at chris the last time she saw him, and we'll- you know.

her eyes shift to elena, who has been giving her small smiles during passing periods, but she partners with another girl.

"miss solove, your gonna be with christian here since you don't have a partner." the male gym teacher states from over her shoulder.

groaning silently, hayden looks across to the boy across from her, a disgusting smirk on his face.

"been a while, huh hay?" he cradles his lacrosse stick, passing the ball to the girl

she catches it smoothly, rolling her eyes as she tosses it back.

"what, got nothing to say?"

zola looks over to chris, who feels eyes on him, locking eyes before she looks away, "not to you."

christian notices and tuts, "uh oh, still got feelings for the ex? must suck."

"ex?" she furrows her brows, before remembering their fake relationship, "oh right. i'm heartbroken." she speaks in a monotone voice

a grin grows on his ego filled face, "y'know lacrosse always reminds me of that one night."

"what night?" she sighs through her words, almost not wanting to ask

"you know zola. how could you forget?"

"don't call me that. and i have no idea what your talking about."

he raises his eyebrows sickeningly, a chuckle escaping from his lips, "you remember- the night i took your virginity? you were so fucking hot."


hayden stands still for a moment, processing what he just said, before dropping her stick and running to the girls locker room.

she paces, breathing heavily as she cracks each knuckle one by one.

the girl jumps slightly at the locker room opening, but continues her back and forth once she realizes it's just chris.

"you cant be in here." hayden chokes out, picking at the skin by her fingers rapidly

"dont care about that," he takes a step forward, "care about you."

her breathe speeds up, still pacing as she tries to catch it, "im fine."

"white paint has more color than your face right now."

as much as she tries to push back the memories of christian and her, they swirl around her head as if they have been taped to her brain.

goosebumps grow on her arm, her soon unable to breathe, choking on the lump in her throat.

"zola," chris's voice softens, realizing what's happening, "sit down."

she listens, taking a seat in one of the benches as tears flow down her face.

the sight of the girl fully breaking down like never before in front of him, honestly scares him a little.

he sits far enough away next to her, opening his mouth to say something before he's interrupted by her wrapping her arms around his neck, engulfing herself in his hug.

chris is momentarily stunned for a moment, before he lets his own arms wrap around her back, feeling her cry into his chest.

"he's a dick zola," he murmurs, his hand stroking her hair, "you don't deserve that. you never did."

eventually, hayden's crying slows, her pulling away from chris. she runs a hand through her hair, suddenly her rationalism hitting her like a truck.

what was she doing? letting him see her like this?

"sorry, um- let's just not bring this up again. thanks chris." she stands up abruptly

"don't do that. dont start blocking me out again."

"i'm not blocking you out it's just- it doesn't work! your you and im me." she crosses her arms, wiping mascara from under her eyes

chris scoffs- not one of anger- but frustration in the same thing happening over and over, "why do you hate me so much?"

"because YOU hate ME!"

"but i dont!"

"well i don't either!"

they both look at each other for a moment, before the two lean in, connecting their lips suddenly.

he pulls her in by the small of her back, her hand behind his neck as they hungrily kiss.

it's as if the two had been separated for years, thirsting for each others touch only to now receive it.

chris gently pushes her backwards slight so she's leaned against the lockers, her smiling into the kiss.

his hands are around her waist as he pulls her closer, goosebumps swarming every part of her body that he touches.

"what. the fuck." a voice from behind them startles the young pair, causing them to jump apart immediately

matt stands in the doorway, his face almost blank with shock.

"um, i was gonna make sure you were alright." he stutters, processing what he just saw, before turning around and exiting the room

"fuck- matt!" hayden calls, stepping forward to follow him, but chris touches her shoulder

"i'll go after him. we'll talk later okay?" he nods towards her, before jogging after his triplet.

now it's zola who's left alone, standing there, wondering what the hell just happened.


chapter 21 and still not together? hmmm wonder what that is!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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