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008[ⁱʳˡ ]↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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[ⁱʳˡ ]
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

matt lays in his bed, hayden's head cradled in his lap as she scrolls mindlessly through tiktok.

he has his own phone in his hand, playing with her hair with his other.

unbeknownst to her, he can't focus on his phone. he can only focus on her. matt knows that she had to have had an argument or something with chris, because when she came in she immediately sat next to matt.

did maddy and jack notice? who knows. they would never say anything about it.

maybe it's bad that he feels jealous about their fake relationship, or that he's somewhat happy that they got in a fight so hayden would go back to being with matt all the time.

but do best friends really do this? her and matt have always been like this- but did she feel anything towards him?

"fuck!" hayden groans, tossing her phone across the room as she suddenly sits up

"woah," matt breaks out of his thoughts, chuckling slightly at her angry, "what happened?"

she crosses her arms, "i have to go dress shopping with your fucking brother. and i don't wanna be around him any more than i have to."

he nods, also knowing he wouldn't talk bad about his triplet, but wants to listen to her rant.

"and guess what he said?" hayden moves to she's sitting across from him, "he said that ever since christian i like push people away or shit, like he's got me all figured out!"

matt bites his lip, picking at his fingernails, "he might be right on that one hay."

"stop that,"she moves his hands away from each other, "what do you mean?"

"you really don't think he fucked you up at all?" he chooses his words carefully

the girl thinks for a moment, not liking to think about this part of her life, "maybe." she admits, "but i don't push people away!"

matt's eyebrows raise, "that girl that wanted to be your friend when you were working at the ice cream shop? mr. johnson when he wanted to help you fix your math grade? elena when she started to distance herself?"

"you cant blame me for that one."

"no," he sighs, "you just decided to hate her pretty quickly."

hayden purses her lips, thinking about what he just said, "i just don't want people to end up leaving."

her voice comes out quiet as she settles back into her laying down position, peering up at her best friend, "your not mad at me are you?"

"'course not hay."

"let me see your phone." christian places his hand out, waiting for the girl to pass her phone over

she didn't mind that he wanted to look through it every now and then, but she knows he would get mad at what's on it now.

"okay," hayden nodded, sliding her phone towards him

she bites her lip as she watches him slide through her apps, a frown appearing on his face as he reads one

"why'd you text matt?"

"um, it's his birthday?" her voice goes up at the end, acting as a question even though it's a statement

his brows furrow, "ok and? you know i don't want you talking to him right now. honestly any of them, except like nick."

"we've been best friends our whole lives," hayden chews on her nails, "i wanted to tell him happy birthday."

"ok but how am i supposed to trust you to not cheat on me when you act like this?" christian fumes

she reaches to grab her phone "like what?"

"like a slut!" he yells, shoving her away from him

as hayden stumbles back, she watches his eyes soften? "fuck i-" he shakes his head, "cmere. i'm sorry baby, i love you so much."


sorry short chapter, but here's some christian lore. uh oh, are zolas abandonment issues starting to show????

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