Late again

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"Moon,"Qibli muttered, his voice slightly rising. He was outside of the classroom, trying to get Moon's attention from the window. He tapped the window. Webs hadn't taken the attendence yet.

           Moon's eyes darted toward the window and saw Qibli. "No"She mouthed at Qibli through the window,"No way."

               "Please,"Qibli mouthed back,"Distract." He made a pleading sign with his hands.

                "How?"Moon mouthed, raising her eyebrows.
                   "I don't know,"Qibli mouthed, shrugging. He started to move towards the door.

                   Moon sighed and started making a plane with her paper. As soon as she made it, she threw it at Webs's head.

                   "WHO DID THAT?"Webs turned around angrily. His eyes darted through the class, scanning the desks.

Moon pointed back at Turtle,"It was him, mr. Webs."

Turtle shot Moon a look, his eyes pinning hers and mouthed,"What the heck?"He shook his head at Webs but tgat didn't stop Webs.

"Thank you, Miss Shadow."Webs said to Moon.

He walked over to Turtle's desk and started shouting at him. Grinning, Qibli took the chance and tiptoed inside, hoping no one would snitch. He carefully sat on his chair and quietly said,"Thanks."

"Am I clear enough?" Webs said, his hands twitching,"Now go to the principals office!"

"I didn't do it ,"Turtle muttered stubbornly but got out of his seat and walked toward the door when Webs opened his mouth to shout again.

"I am never doing that again," Moon muttered to Qibli. Qibli just grinned at her,

"NO TALKING!" Webs shouted and they both went silent.

*after class is over*

"So, what was that about?" Turtle caught up with Moon in the hallway after class. He shot a glare at her,"I thankfully got away with a warning."

Moon smiled, trying to unease the tension. She felt pretty bad at throwing the blame to him, as he was her friend. However, Moon couldn't ruin her perfectly clean record.

"Sorry! It was because Qibli was late and stuff."She gave him an apolegetic look, hoping he would forgive her.

Turtle rolled his eyes,"Fine, its okay."

Moon grinned at him as Qibli caught up with them. He kissed Moon on the cheek. "So, I won't be late again I guess."

Moon turned her head towards him,"You better not be."

They sat down on a table in the cafeteria and Kinkajou ran towards them. "I saw what happened....Qibli was late again wasn't he?"


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