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         Imagine Jade winglet is working on a plane. Qibli,winter,turtle are pilots. Moon,kinkajou,sunny,glory, and tsunami are flight attendants(I know I said Jade winglet but there needs to be more flight attendants)

   Moon pov(sorry I'm doing way too many moon povs)

            "How much time do we have left"asked Qibli. Qibli,Winter, Kinkajou, and I were in our uniforms and we had a flight in 2 hours. Glory,Sunny, and Tsunami were coming separately. "About 2 hrs" said turtle. Winter took out his phone and let out an annoyed hiss.
"Damm it there's gonna be a snowstorm so lots of turbulence"

"Shut up scaredy cat. I love turbulence" Qibli said
'I am NOT a scaredy cat'
'yes you are which is why i should be the main pilot'
"oh please everyone knows Im a better pilot than you"
"winter you literly had a panic attack last time there was turblance"
"turblance? the freaking engine was on fire

---------------------last time------------------------
*qibli winter and turtle in the pilot cabin flying the plane*
Winter: why is the plane so wobbly
Qibli: turblance, Duh
Turtle:Hey whats that burnt smell
*everyone looks at the side*
*Qibli on the speaker*
Qibli: ladies and gentlemen the engine is on fire we'er gonna have an emergency landing on singapore airport. If we dont make make we will die but just be calm. Flight attendants go to your seats
*turtle talking to the airport*
Turtle: hi so the engine is on fire we are gonna need amblunces. We have a fainted pilot. Which runway should land on?
___________present time____________
"oh yeah I remember that time"said kinkajou. We arrived at the coffee shop. me and kinkajou ordered a cappicuno while winter,turtle,and qibli ordered a americano. Everything went well until qibli and winter started bickering again.
qibli: ya know you are way too afraid of a snowstorm as someone who grew up in iceland
winter: dont you dare start-
qibli: you're a scaredy cat
winter:*takes deep breath and is about to attack qibli*
speaker: boarding to thailand, flight 64774743 will begin shortly

              luckily we all got on the plane without killing eachother.  Glory, Sunny,Kinkajou, and me were in the galley waiting for tsunami to give out tasks. "Alright" said tsunami"moon and kinkajou you handle buisness class and me sunny and glory will handle economy"

             I adjusted my scarf and redid my lipstick while waiting for passengers to board. Me and kinkajou stood at the door of the plane and welcomed the passengers. The conversations went like this:
little kid: waaaaaaa!!!!


passenger: hello*wink* heres a gift card*wink*

                  After we got all the passengers in seats. The captain,Qibli, announced,"Ladies and gentlemen and dear kids, we are about to takeoff from Aukland, New Zealand to Bangkok, Thailand. Our trip is going to be a total of 17 hours. Please buckle up and enjoy the flight"

The safety video played and we make sured everyone had on their seatbelts and passed out care packs. As we heard the announcement" Flight attendents please sit down" I sat down and put on my seatbelt. I felt the the plane finally rise up and my heart skipped a beat.

                   The plane succesfully rose to the sky I rose from my seat and started menu orders. It went smoothly except one passenger.

                  "do you have chicken?"

                    "I'm sorry sir, we dont have that "

                     "But all your flights do"

                     "The chicken is currently unavailable"

                       "so you're calling me a LIAR!?"

                      "sir you misund-

                      "GET ME UR CABIN MANAGER"

                   "She's currently busy,sir"

                      "THEN GET ME THE PILOT"

                     "sir, then whos going to fly the plane"

                      "He can put it on autopilot"

                    "it would be an inconvinice, so he wont, sir"

                      "But he could"

                      "but he won't

                To be continued.....

word count:654

Moonbli and Wof  one shots (fast updates) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon