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"WINTER!"Qibli shouted, his blood boiling,"This is the 3rd time you have burned the oven this week!"

"I'M SORRY!"Winter shouted back, closing his eyes,"How else am I supposed to learn how to cook?"

Qibli tilted his head to Winter,"Here's a crazy suggestion: Don't learn how to cook."

Winter raised his eyebrows,"What about cooking class! Its half my grade."He looked down at the burned oven and cake."Maybe it doesn't taste that bad?"He grabbed a fork and tried a piece of cake. He spit it out,"Ok fine bad idea."

             Qibli smirked,"Too bad you need to learn to cook for cooking class,"he said in a singsongy voice,"Why don't you ask the girls?"

Winter rolled his eyes, he hated asking for help,"Fineeee. I will go to Moon and Kinkajou and ask them for ADVICE not help."

"Sure Winter. Sureeee,"Qibli said as he started mixing some batter,"I'll come, we need a new oven, and I don't have a money for a new one so with that try to be nice for once so I can use their oven."

*at Moon and Kinkajou's dorm*

"Winter, if you don't know how to cook why did you sign up for cooking class,"Moon questioned as she took a batch of cookies out of her own oven.

"BECAUSE all of the other clubs sucked,"Winter replied, letting out a sigh,"I mean? Do you see me as an Artist?"

"I can,"Kinkajou said as she came down the stairs,"More than a baker anyway."

While all of this was happening, Qibli sneaked his choclate chip cookies in the oven. Moon stopped him before he could close the oven,"What do you think you're doing?"

Qibli froze,"Our oven caught on fire again,"he made a puppy face,"Please?"

Moon rolled her eyes,"Fine. Last time though,"Qibli pecked her on the cheek. Moon turned back to Winter,"Ugh fine, I guess me and Kinkajou can teach you a few recipes."

*1 hour later*

Kinkajou coughed,"WINTER! Why? Why would you throw the a handful of flour in my FACE?"She did not expect this to be this hard. Webs didn't make it seem that hard. Teaching something was not supposed to be this hard.

Moon stepped in and took a deep breathe,"Lets try this again. All right Winter now crack open the egg."

He did. The shells of the egg went into the mix. Moon's eyes widened,"its okay, it'll be crunchy cookies I guess. Now lets put them into little circles on the paper.Next lets put it in the oven."

He put the tray in the oven. He was starting to think he was getting good at this. Sure the cookies would be a little crunchy but at least they would be cookies.

"Alright! Good! Now don't forget to take it out after 10 minutes."Kinkajou said with a jump,"We'll be upstairs."

Winter opened his phones and started reading an article about snow foxes. He loved snow foxes. He had a snow fox back in his home land. But his love for snow foxes also took up his attention. They took up so much of his attention that he did not notice the ten minutes pass. Ten minutes turned into 20 and 20 turned into 30 which turned into 1 hour when the fire alarm went off.

Moon and Kinkajou went down and saw almost the whole kitchen on fire,"WINTER!" They shouted, their blood boiling,"You burned the KITCHEN?"

"Oops,"Winter said and saw the look on Kinkajou and Moon's face,"I'll pay for the damages? Uhh lets get out of here! The smokes harmful!"He dragged them outside.

*one week later*

"Winter you are officialy kicked out from cooking class,"Said the teacher.

Word count: 637

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