books and jealousy

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               "Hey beautiful,"a guy wearing some jeans came up to her. He gripped her wrist.

                Before Moon could respond or pull away, Qibli came over and snatched Moon's wrist from the boy and tightly wrapped his arm around Moon's waist,"Hands off, she's taken,"Qibli growled in a possesive tone.

               The boy quickly ran away considering Qibli was 6'1 while the boy was about 5'7.

"aww, is someone jealous?"Moon asked in a teasing voice.

Qibli kissed her hard on the mouth,"Please, I'm not worried. That boy had terrible choice in earrings by the way."

Moon wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back,"I know you don't. You're perfect."

         She led him by hand to the library. They walked through the wooden shelves filled with books. Moon spotted a fantasy book. She reached for it and was standing on tip toe. Suddenly, she felt something warm press up against her back. She then felt an arm covering over hers and reached the book on the shelf and handed it to her. She turned around and her back had to be pressed to the shelf because Qibli was pressed to her. He kissed her and she dropped her book.

                She quickly pushed him away,"This is my reading time and you are NOT getting in the way of this too,"she said with a playful voice.

                  Qibli made a sad face but proceeded to snake an arm aroud her waist when they sat down on one of the bouncy couches. Qibli decided to read 'romeo and juliet' for his homework. But about 30 seconds in he got bored and decided to play with Moon's hair instead.

               About an hour later Moon's head was on Qibli's shoulder, sleeping. Qibli of course being the person he was decided to wake her up in a creative way. He poured water in her eyes. Moon woke up with a yelp,"What was that for?"

              Qibli smiled mischievesly,"For falling asleep."He ran a hand through his hair. Moon decided to get back to her book but Qibli snatched it away from her.

                "Give it back!"Moon exclaimed, trying to get the book back from him but he held the book high above his head.

              "I can't possibly let you read something so boring that you fall asleep,"Qibli said, grinning.

             Moon finally gave up and rested her head on his shoulder peacefully.

Word count:405

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