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                Kinkajou was trying to get everything done quickly in order to go to the mall with Moon. She partially looked up her Math homework also known as cheating. She grabbed her car keys and drove to the Mall. When she got there Moon was waiting for her.
                 "finally, I was starting to get old"Moon complained, getting lip gloss out of her bag.

               "Kestrel is so evil, she gave us so much homework!"Kinkajou exclaimed, taking the lip gloss from Moon and spreading it on her lips.

                They were just about to go into Starbucks when they saw two very familiar figures. Moon didn't believe it at first. Anyone can have blonde and green hair or freckles and dimples on the sides of their cheek. hehe these arent who we think they are theyre just random people who dont go to the same school and theyre totally not in our friend group. Unfortunately,moon and kinkajou were wrong, because these two figures turned around and waved at them. Moon turned pink, she didn't have makeup on neither did Kinkajou. They looked at each other and ran.

----------------at school the next day--------------

             Qibli and Turtle came up to Moon and Kinkajou and Qibli said
"hey guys would you like to tell us why you ran when you saw us"

              Moon and Kinkajou looked at each other and said
'uhhhhhh we got a call from Kestrel saying that we uhhhh had to um fly to China with her, anyway BYE'

             They ran to the history room probably trying to hide from Qibli and Turtle, slightly embarrased. They didn't know why they had ran but they just started laughing. Laughing at how stupid they were. But one thing was for sure they would never go out without makeup again.

               Qibli and turtle were confused.

god,these girls are so weird sometimes.

           I hope you liked it! Btw, The Moonbli story is coming out this Wednesday!326 words this time.


Moonbli and Wof  one shots (fast updates) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt