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I tried to make this one shot longer as requested. It is a little dark because it focuses on the negative side of everything. It is an emotional void of Moon's feelings and emotions.

Moon pov

I wish the world was different.I wish I wasn't filled with guilt that ate me piece by piece every second. I mean, I blindly trusted Darkstalker. I never chose to see the bad in him, I only saw the good parts of him, I'm a coward. Now I walk the halls of Jade Mountain Academy, plaster a smile to my face and pretend everything is okay. Everything is not okay. I have to hide my messed up self from other people. I just want to curl up in a ball and not come out until the end of time. Though I suppose I would be dead by then from old age/starvation/dehydration/everthing else that might happen.

Qibli pov

I can feel it. There is something wrong with Moon. Those smiles are fake and she frowns when she doesn't notice I'm looking. But I don't know whats wrong. She never asks for anything,tries to do everything for me AND feels bad about herself? It might be guilt. But why would she be guilty? She spends a lot of time in her room. Reading depressing and boring scrolls about physcology or horrer or what her for some reason sad mind wants to read. Oh well. Guess I have to cheer her up like I always do......

Moon pov

I'm walking through the cheerful, bright, happy halls with a fake smile once again. It doesn't exactly fit my current mood right now.I feel a chill go through my bones, down my spine. I suddenly feel a tug on my arm as I get pulled into the storage room. Fear engulfs me but when I see who it is, my body relaxes. Even the storage room no one goes into is somewhat more joyful then me.My eyes dart up the yellow colored scales to find Qibli's face staring at me.

"W-Whats happening,"I stutter, not looking into Qibli's eyes.My mind is darting and finding answers to alternative questions. He takes my talon in his sending butterflies in my stomach.

"Moon, there's something with you and don't bother trying to hide it,"Qibli said,locking eyes with me. My heart is pounding. I feel like I'm going to faint

I stare at Qibli with disbelief. Did he see me frowning? Have I not covered my tracks carefully?I'm angry at myself. Angry for not being careful enough. No one else would have had a problem with this. I have the worst luck. I suddenly become very interested in the floor but Qibli puts a talon under my chin and gently lifts my head up.

"Somethings bothering you,"Qibli says, scanning my face,"tell me."

Of course. How could I ever hide anything from him? I feel tears forming in my eyes as I admit the truth,"Everything's my fault. I saw only the good in Darkstalker and refused to see the bad.I'm the reason the wh-," My voice starts to crack,"I'm the reason Darkstalker even woke up from his sleep. I helped free him. I trusted him blindly."My eyes can't take it anymore. I start crying.

Tears start streaming down my cheeks as I fall on to my knees, quietly sobbing in front of Qibli. I feel embarrased and angry and sad and guilty. My mind feels like a jumble of words stuck and begging to get out. I feel like I'm going crazy. I feel a wing wrap around me as Qibli crouches down next to me, his heat radiating of his body into mine.,"Moon,"He starts, holding me up from completely collapsing in the floor, our faces inches away,"Stop it. Stop beating yourself up you are an amazing person and I don't how many times saying that will get it inside your head. If its someones fault.....,"He thinks for a second and then adds jokingly,"its peril."I smile. Qibli has always had a distinct sense of humor that sends everyone laughing and collapsing on the floor. A type of humor I probably will never have.

                He wraps his arms and wings around me, embracing me so hard I almost forget to breathe.I pull away,"ok.... thank you, thank you for everything."

               My heart is about to explode. I can feel the happiness rushing into my head. I'm about to finally stand up when the storage room door flings open revealing a familiar figure. A figure named kinkajou.

             "oops looks like I'm interuptting something. Anyway,its time for class. Do you know how much I panicked when I couldn't find you? Come on!"Kinkajou said, jumping up and down sending my head spinning.

                 In the last ten minutes my feelings have changed. A lot. But what matters is that I'm happy now. I feel like a bag of flour has been lifted from my chest. I want to dance. I want to twirl around until I pass out and fall on my face. My friends...... I'm so lucky to have them.

                 I walk down the halls of Jade Mountain Academy to get to my mathematics class. But this time its different. This time I'm full of energy. I can sleep at night again. Qibli laces our talons together as we walk together into the math classroom.

               "Mr.Sand and Miss Star," The math teacher starts, her voice booming and echoing of the walls,"Why are you late?" Oh god. Time to make up an excuse. Good thing I took all those improv classes.

                 I'm just about to answer with my mind filling with answers but Qibli beats me to it,"We were kissing!"Qibli is VERY confusing sometimes.

                   The math teacher tsks and signals us to sit down. I mouth 'What?' to Qibli and he mouth back to me 'hehe'

                Sad at the begining but happy at the ending! Word count:1003


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