Joey: Four

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 "I sure as Hell hope Daddy's sorry" his voice retorted from behind the door before it unlocked.

The apartment was empty except for one teddy bear in the middle of the room. A Teddy Cam allowing Joey to see Blaise's face when he walked in.

"Hey, easy before you walk out. We'll discuss the 'baby' thing later now though. I accept your apologies. Now walk to the big window in front of you. It's open. You just have to walk the plank to get to the other building. It's not far. After all, you clearly insisted on meeting me and you did dress pretty for me today so....".

Once Blaise made his way through the window and landed in his place, Joey waved at him from behind his three computer screens then held his hands up.

"Hi, Dad! Before you take another step, remember the teddy is there in case you feel like strangling something. And there are a few things I have to say. First being that I have pepper spray and I will use it if necessary", he began.

"'s mostly pepper..But it should work too", he admitted.

"Let's go through your little rant before I let you hug me. One? I'm more likely to go through your personal files again. Because I can. Because you clearly need to learn how to protect them better. And I won't lie about it, I have trust issues. Because I know there are some bad guys out there and also guys like me who can access anything. So will I use everything I can when I need? Probably. You don't want that, get me off your team. Two! Oh, Two is interesting", Joey snickered before holding up a heavy binder he had next to him.

"Silvo sent me all your procedures and rules and whatever and God, that was a boring read. It's like they make sure you can't get any work done efficiently. However, I can play outside the rules because I can play the rules. Every info I gave you, I'm working backwards to back up every info I found. At the end of it, it will be even more airtight than your rectum; But let's be honest here. My mind always has 32 tabs open and when I work, I work on a shit load of things at the same time. iIf I had to do it by your book, Captain Control Freak, we'd still be sitting around a table with our thumbs up our arse, wondering where to look next. That guy, Serkov? He's not playing by any book. That's why no one could get close to him so far. And he has many friends in your high security circles. I found a lot of evidence of records and reports with his name on it deleted with high credentials. Badly deleted by the way. But it taught me two things: I can't trust anyone so I'm sure as Hell making sure to cover my tracks and no, I don't expect you to barge in and arrest him because he'd be out in a minute and guess who would be fucked first? Yours truly. I'm collecting data on him to make your job easier and I'm doing it smoothly. So I get you're a yeller, but you can't deny I got you closer to that kiddy murdering witch than you've ever been. Also I'm going to need your signature on a few warrants but first, let's discuss who ever told you we busted caps into people's ass in video games? Was it Silvo? Because that's so wrong on so many levels.", he stated with a shake of his head.

"Anyhow, relax your pecs before you burst out of that nice shirt of yours, yeah? I don't think my actions are only mine. I know this is serious and I want to help. But I got fucked over many times before and sorry, I'm sure you're the best at what you do but I saw enough movies to be aware that the first one to die is the funny guy. Which is me. I already have enough people wanting to kill me, Judge Judy, and I'm not stupid, I'm not a member of your little family, which makes me expendable. But. You know I can help. I'm just not thrilled by putting another target on my lovely back.", he explained as sternly as he could.

"Take it easy, Jay", a voice said, coming out of Joey's phone.

"Shut up, Sil.", Joey muttered, keeping his eyes on Blaise.

"That vein on his temple,'s even more impressive from up close. You heard him call me Baby, right? I didn't dream that?", he added.

Silvo seemed to choke on the other end of the line and Joey rolled his eyes.

No help to expect from that side.

So he lifted himself up lightly from his chair to look over at Blaise and the teddy bear he was still holding.

"Anyway...I know you want me to move in so you can put your hands on me in all the wrong ways but erm... A basement? I'm not a fan of basements. Or moving. Besides, isn't it racist to put nerds in basements? Oh well, I suppose this is not negotiable?", he wondered out loud before sitting down again and waving his hands dramatically.

"Forget I asked. I wonder if Natalie would offer to help me move. She's a bit obsessed with me", he began before arching a brow.

"Damn.. I forgot to invite her to the previous move, didn't I? Does she still take out her gun at every chance she gets?" he asked cheekily. "She's very protective of me.".

"Oh, one last thing", he said, knowing he was probably risking getting his ass beaten.

"I'm not calling you Daddy. I know it's a very popular kink but it's a no from me. I do plan to use that recording as my new ringtone though. It was kinda sexy. And disturbing. And flattering. And....well. Mostly disturbing.".

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