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Love comes in many forms and shapes, not just in a romantic way. It can be as loud and boisterous like fireworks or as quiet and hidden like the wisps of the wind that gently cradle the fabric of your clothes. And personally, I love seeing the subtlety of someone showing their love to someone else.

The feeling of someone putting their palm on another's stomach to prevent them from toppling over. The way that someone's eyes crinkle the moment they see something they love. The subtle feeling of their shoulder being light and the way someone's chest feels free and that they can breath once again.

I've only really seen it in the fictional world, but maybe I'd pay attention more to it in the real world if I knew when and where to look.

The feeling of mutual respect and trust sounds like the infinite galaxies that stretch endlessly. Love, no matter in what way, feels like the gentle breeze lulling you to sleep, the gentle rays of the sun gently covering your eyes.

Love shouldn't be shackled to be romantic. It's much more than that, it is not a missing piece that you have to find, but a journey, an adventure.

Personally, in stories and such, it's more rare to see characters have such good relationship and not be in a romantic relationship with each other. And honestly, I don't know why, but It sounds a bit disappointing, I can't explain why.

The notion of someone offering their love, respect and trust in another person, maybe even their own life because they "love" them in their own way, even if it's not in a romantic sense, It makes their relationship so better, and it doesn't just dumb down everything they have both done to each other to because they like each other. But because they just have a deep understand within themselves, that this is the right thing, and even if they die in the process, they wouldn't regret it, because all the times they have went through with each other is more than enough, and they're foolish if they were to think that the other is theirs because they don't belong to anyone, they don't need to.

In my own life, I'm not searching or planning to for a while. As I said, Love comes in many forms, and right now, I'm trying my hardest to give myself the love that it has been neglected to. It is more difficult than it sounds, It's as if you're asking a panda to eat anything else other than bamboo, it's difficult, but it is possible.

In a world full of flawed people, who search for a way to fix those. But the thing is, there is no way to fix something, that wasn't broken in the first place. And i think that's something that not a lot of people realize. You don't need fixing from someone else, you already have that within yourself.

So take your time, it's never late to fall in love. But remember that you must never forget to learn to love the one you should start to love first, yourself. After all, if you are your own worst critic, you should also be your best supporter. Balance things out, right?

Love is eternal,

Even if it is unintentional

Like a never ending journey,

Through the sea of your entirety

(March 6, 2024)

[P.S. Hello one and all, the last chapter I published, I said that I'd do something in Valentine's Day. But guess what? It has been an ENTIRE YEAR and It's also MARCH, so my bad for that. As a token of my apology I wrote a long "chapter" for you guys.]

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