Chapter 67: Rubik's Cube

Start from the beginning

He glanced at it and then turned back.
Like Duan Wen and Lin Xinlan, he saw Ji Yushi standing below looking up at him. His eyes were calm and as usual he seemed to be the calmest and most sensible one.
In the medicine box, three neatly arranged pills were missing. Sure enough, just as Song Qinglan had expected, those twenty or so hours spent alone in the red room wasn’t as simple as how Ji Yushi had made it out to be.

Song Qinglan took out a pill.
He threw it into the room with the blue ball.

The pill was very small. His eyes locked onto it tightly. He watched it fall to the ground — It bounced off the ground a few times but it was still intact.

Song Qinglan returned to his senses and gestured to everyone that it was okay.

The people here however didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. Medicine pills were not living while people were living beings. Would the time difference affect them differently as a result of this? They couldn’t be certain.

The blue ball bounced back to its original position. It floated in the air, waiting for everyone to make their decision.
In that case, who should they send into the room first?

Lin Xinlan took out a dice from his pocket: “This——–”

Song Qinglan narrowed his eyes.
This person, why didn’t he throw something as useless as a dice if he had it on him?

Everyone negotiated slowly and succinctly. By throwing a dice, the person with the smallest number would enter the room first.

Lin Xinlan threw first. He threw a four.
It wasn’t too large or too small. It was relatively safe.
Lin Xinlan smiled.

Immediately after him was Duan Wen. Duan Wen threw a 5, a very safe number. He however didn’t act very pleased and just threw the dice to Song Qinglan.

Song Qinglan casually tossed it. The dice fell into his palm. It was a 2.

Lin Xinlan stored away his smile. Duan Wen frowned. This may probably be the smallest number.

The last person was Ji Yushi.
The speed of the dice falling was very slow. The numbers constantly changed, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….Because of the height, the dice not only flipped once, it continued to change. The moment it fell back into Ji Yushi’s hand, Song Qinglan next to him had already stretched out his hand to cover it.

Ji Yushi was surprised.
Song Qinglan hooked his lips. He took the dice.

“3—–” Song Qinglan mouthed, “I’m—-the—-small—est—-”
“Cap—–Song—–” Duan Wen called out to him. He probably thought that Song Qinglan was more valuable as a captain and wanted to volunteer himself.

Song Qinglan motioned for Duan Wen to take the ball and open the door.
He didn’t seem to accept any complaints. Duan Wen had no choice but to oblige.

Song Qinglan climbed up the ladder and moved towards the round entrance.
Ji Yushi watched him without blinking. With the scene of Morita Yu’s death replaying in his mind, his palm and forehead was sweaty.

The moment Song Qinglan’s upper body leaned into the room, he subconsciously closed his eyes.

A familiar voice sounded. Originating from the other room, it slowly reached their ears.

Ji Yushi opened his eyes. He saw Song Qinglan appearing at the hole completely unharmed. His movements had returned to normal.
That room was safe!

As if they had won the first prize in a lottery, everyone came back to life in an instant. One by one, they climbed the ladder and left the damned room.

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