Chapter 66: Rubik's Cube

Start from the beginning

“The movement of a single room would drive together with it the movement of an entire or column of rooms.” Song Qinglan said, “So this yellow room may be the one we saw from the blue room just now.”

Ji Yushi’s drew cubes of different colours on his holographic projection.
He coloured those cubes in to make the yellow cube connect with the green cube and added, “Yes, but there were two yellow rooms seen from the blue room just now; one above and the other in front.”

Replacing the blue room they were in earlier, was it the yellow room above or the yellow room in front? Determining that would help determine the trajectory of the original blue room.

“I understand now. After we left the room just now, it could only move backwards or downwards so that we can see this yellow room.” Song Qinglan said, “Did I get it right, Advisor Ji?”

Ji Yushi nodded.

Duan Wen looked at Ji Yushi’s holographic projection and also tried to fiddle with the cubes, “Fuck, then how do we determine whether the yellow room we are seeing now is the one above or the one in front?”

“Unable to confirm.” Song Qinglan raised a brow, “So we’ll need to continue on.”

As soon as Ji Yushi was found, their wander through these rooms was no longer aimless.
Even if they had some clues before, it was far from how it was now.

What Ji Yushi didn’t know was that before they found him, the three of them were already very exhausted.
In this ‘Rubik’s Cube’, they would not feel hungry or sleepy. Except for the change in physical appearance due to time passing, they didn’t need to eat or drink. As such, this exhaustion was mental. It made them feel hopeless and overwhelmed.

With the exhaustion swept away, Duan Wen was a little excited, “Damn, we might even clear this mission soon.”

Clear the mission?
It was unknown if the outsider Lin Xinlan followed their train of thought. He just stood on the side in thought.

Duan Wen asked, “Which room now?”
Song Qinglan said, “In order to avoid the time difference, we cannot go to rooms with the opposite colour as well as rooms of the same colour. We can only choose from the remaining rooms with colours adjacent to this one….Blue and yellow are adjacent, we can just enter this yellow one here.”

What was said was done.
The four quickly entered the room behind them with the yellow ball and then proceeded to check the other rooms.
They saw that the green room they were in had changed to red. That is to say, the red room that was originally above had now replaced the green room. The trajectory of that room seemed to be downwards.

There was still not enough information.
Along the way, Ji Yushi left marks in every room and he added cubes of different colours to his holographic projection.


The four continued on uninterrupted.
This time, they entered a room with a blue ball.

“Beep——–” After that sound, the round entrance behind them closed.

As soon as Ji Yushi reached the ground, he noticed that something wasn’t right.
Everyone’s movements became very, very slow, but before entering this room, everyone’s movements were normal —- There was a time difference in this room. As they didn’t enter from a same-coloured room, this time difference did not harm them.

Ji Yushi slowly opened his mouth. Like a slow goldfish, he spoke with difficulty but he didn’t hear any sound.

Song Qinglan in front of him was looking back.
A simple movement had been dragged on to a few seconds. Starting from the back of Song Qinglan’s head, first it was his graceful chin line, his tall and straight nose bridge, his handsome brows, and then his face.
Ji Yushi had never looked at the other party’s face for such a long time. He was forced to have the other party’s expression completely imprinted into his mind.

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