Chapter 62: Rubik's Cube

Start from the beginning

Ji Yushi stored away the medicine box and his black and white game console. He placed them back in their original positions like someone with an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“No mark.” The woman said as she stood not far away, “We haven’t been here before.”
After saying this, she took out a small dagger from the strap on her leg and carved a mark onto the ground.

From where Ji Yushi stood, he saw that she had carved the number 8.

Because of the identical room structures, it was difficult for one to tell where they were inside the Rubik’s Cube. Let alone ordinary people like them, even Ji Yushi couldn’t distinguish between the rooms relying solely on his memory. Humans tend to share the same thoughts. Ji Yushi was able to quickly think of leaving markers behind for his teammates so others naturally would have thought of doing the same to at least leave a reminder for themselves.

The black-haired young man said, “I saw your game console. I’ve seen it on the internet, but it is something difficult for anyone to buy in reality. What era did you come from? Could time travel have been invented that early on?”

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Ji Yushi who had his belongings returned was no longer as cold.
He answered the black-haired young man’s question, “When asking where others are from, you should introduce yourself first.”

The black-haired young man let out an ‘ah’. Knowing that he was in the wrong because of the body search, he repeatedly apologised, “Sorry, my mistake! My name is Morita Yu, from 2140 AD. I joined Tianqiong this year and have been working as a Guardian for three months!”
After saying that, he took out a necklace to prove his identity, “Nice to meet you!”

A simple pattern was engraved onto the necklace. It was the symbol of Tianqiong.

Morita Yu?
Ji Yushi spoke in Japanese, “My name is Ji Yushi, from Star Era 1456.”

To reciprocate, he also pointed to the sign on his chest.
Under certain special lighting, the ‘7’ on the black combat uniforms would show marks to indicate their guardian identity.

Both parties had confirmed each other’s identity.
Morita Yu repeated, “Star Era 1456?”
After saying that, he belatedly reacted to something else that surprised him, “Senior, you can speak Japanese?!”

“Yes.” Ji Yushi had worked in Tianqiong for three years so he could be regarded as a senior.
But 2140 AD? That era was completely different from their world. It meant that this Morita Yu in front of him came from a completely different time and space.

However, Morita Yu’s focus was on the game console. “Senior, what kind of game consoles do you have in your era?”
Even after mastering time travel, he was still playing a game console like this. Morita Yu cared very much about this disparity in technological development.

Before Ji Yushi could answer, the woman interrupted them, “Speak English.”
She scrutinised them and took an issue at them communicating in a language she couldn’t understand, “Since you can all speak English, use it here. It’s fairer communicating in English.”

She seemed to have forgotten about the fact that she had pointed her gun at Ji Yushi earlier and was now brazenly demanding fairness.

Morita Yu hurriedly explained to her, “Zoe, this traverser is from Star Era 1456. The era sounds the same as yours. Could you two have come from the same time and space?”

“1456?” The woman looked at Ji Yushi. She was shocked, “A traverser from seventy years ago?”

In her shock, she raised her sleeve.
On her skin was a glowing symbol of Tianqiong.

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