She didn't mind being kept a secret since at this point, she was rather used to it, but that didn't mean Astoria took her diagnosis lightly. No, that little girl was stubborn and determined. If she was going to be different, if she wasn't going to play or run around like the others, then it was going to be on her terms. "Ladies don't run around," she mused to herself, remembering what her grandmother said when she watched Daphne with disgust. Her parents used to do the same until they learned that Daphne was their only normal child and, therefore, needed to be treated carefully. "Ladies act properly. They play piano and read and paint and wear nice dresses. They don't get in the mud."

And so Astoria increased her visits with her grandmother, learning everything a proper lady should do. She learned how to sew, how to bake, how to play various instruments, and how to speak foreign languages. She was skilled in the violin, piano, and drawing while her elegance and grace would later turn heads whenever she walked into the room. Astoria Greengrass became known in the pureblood community for her accomplished nature, her charming demeanor, and her natural beauty. In time, she would truly be a lady.

Her parents, however, would never fully see that. They kept her inside and forbade her from ever speaking of her condition. She was free to roam the manor as she wished as long as she wasn't feeling faint. Daphne would continue to play with her friends however she liked. Astoria would watch from the window of the library as they played tag and Quidditch. She, however, was stuck inside with only books for company, and her grandmother's occasional etiquette lessons.

Until Draco Malfoy.

Astoria had heard many mentions of the prestigious Malfoy family. Her parents quite admired the blonde family and invited them over for tea and supper many times. However, Draco himself had never visited the Greengrass Estate and Astoria was never invited to other homes at that time because her family was afraid that travel would worsen her condition. Daphne met the boy on many occasions and had reported to Astoria that he was a little handsome but that she wasn't interested in him in anything beyond a Quidditch partner. In that regard, her sister said that he was, "quite good".

But one day, the Malfoys decided to pay the Greengrass Estate a visit and brought Draco with them. Draco liked Daphne Greengrass and thought that, while she was an odd sort of girl, not nearly feminine enough for him, she was fun to play with. On that particular day, many pureblood families were invited, including Draco's friends Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Lorenzo Berkshire. The women of the families took tea in the lounge while the men enjoyed brandy and cigars in her father's study. The children, of course, went outside in the gardens to play.

Not Astoria. She—used to her condition at this point—made her way up to the library on the second floor. She was smiling as she did so. Narcissa Malfoy—one of the prettiest ladies she had ever seen—had complimented her on her white dress. It had long sleeves, black trimmings, and little silver buttons running down the middle. Paired with her long, black hair half tied up with a black bow, it was one of her favorite things to wear. Since that day was cold, Astoria also sported some white tights and black ballet flats underneath. She felt rather beautiful so Narcissa's compliment made her feel warm inside.

She was sitting in the library by the windowsill, watching as Daphne ran around in the gardens. Her blonde hair whipped around her as she giggled, escaping Vincent Crabbe narrowly. "You are a lady," Astoria told herself. "And ladies would much prefer books to ridiculous games." By that time in her life, after two years of acting like a lady, it was true. She could hardly remember what it felt like to run outside but the books stuck in her head for weeks at a time. Plus, if she wanted fresh air, she could take a leisurely stroll by the pond.

Astoria became so engrossed in her book that she hardly heard the sound of a door creaking open and shut, nor the footsteps of someone approaching her. "What book are you reading?" a deep voice asked her. Well, deep for a boy the age of seven.

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