chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Clementine POV

There are many bad things in life. It might be that you sip your cereal with juice rather than milk. Going through a breakup with someone you thought you loved, or just dealing with life on its own. For me, it was being stuck in traffic with none other than Nikolai, a Mafia boss who couldn't keep her hands to herself and said the most irritating things.

I love drowning her out on occasion, but only for a short period until her fingers come into touch with my thighs and my ears are wide awake listening to her nonsense.

"When will this traffic break up?"

The opposite queue, which led out of town, was relatively free, as cars flew by us in a heartbeat, and I envied them.

"I like the traffic." She remarked, reclining back in her seat, her long fingers drumming on her high-powered stir wheel. I would think Nikolai Ivanov goes with the car since it suits her personality. The Jeep was imposing, standing tall and black. Fit for the Mafia. The engine had a smooth, sexual growl, much like her, and it gave the sense of driving over many heads, crushing them.

"I just didn't want to be caught in the traffic with you." I growled.

"Don't be so grumpy, doll."

With nothing else to look at, I just kept staring at her. There were just vehicles in front of me, and they all seemed to be tooting their horns incessantly and spontaneously. It was nerve-racking, and I knew by the time I got home, I'd be too weary to sleep. A horrible sensation developed in my stomach as my mind conjured up images of me having to face the lengthy traffic with her every day.

"Did you buy something nice with your money."

"It's your money. Which I don't want."

"It's preferable if you get some seductive outfits." Her enormous hand landed on my thighs again, and she squeezed them. I yelped, completely stunned by her touch.

I was too exhausted to do it with her. But something tells me that I have no choice.

"Several skirts. Some seductive lingerie for when I visit." She proceeded, her hand moving to my inner thighs. "Maybe, some sexy panties that I can remove and some seductive outfits that I can take you out in."

She? taking me out? I'd sooner eat trash than spend dull nights trying to entertain her. Oh, I forgot. I don't have a choice. "With a figure like yours, I could take you anyplace and show you off."

"Do I seem like a handbag to you? I squeezed between the bridge of my nose and my brows, wishing I could drive my fist through her face. I don't want to be flaunted by her. Looking back, none of the men I've dated have ever taken me out. They were either too busy with their crappy jobs or too broke.

"I don't know why you behave as if you aren't into me, I know you were jealous this morning when I was railing one of your little teacher friends."

My eyes widened in horror, and then they turned to see who of this professors she was complaining about.

Rita was the only person I was friendly with, so I would have recognized her soothing voice. The girl from this morning was a cross between a stuck up 16 year old and a stupid 16 year old girl.

She was fucking about with other professors, which should have come as no surprise given her reputation, and Rita had told me about everything. "Who?"

"So you want to know who got a taste of my cock. She was amazing, and I'm sorry to tell, but you'll have to boost your game when the time comes."

"I won't let you shove your cock in me." I wish I meant what I said.

For one thing, I didn't have a choice, and second, my pussy—not me—is eager to be fucked.

Her jaw did not fail to tighten, displaying her defined facial characteristics. She built like a god. She was truly a deity. She basically has this town and state at her feet, worshiping it. I guess she only wanted to stay in the blasted traffic to irritate me; I bet if she said it loud enough, all motorists would grant her the right of way to pass. What morons we are for giving one person power.

She laughed, and I could feel the grasp on my thigh tightening. "Did I ever mention that you have a choice with me? No one has a choice."

"Who?" when she finished talking, I asked.

It doesn't matter. Who I fucked is none of your concern." She was correct: it was not my business. But I was jealous, for reasons I don't understand. And I suppose I need to be reborn in order to be envious of someone I dislike.

"I wish the traffic would move faster. I have a date later." I yawned, then turned my head to face the road. It was late evening, but it didn't feel like it because the car lights and the streetlights outweighed the darkness.

"Argh!" I yelped as I felt the roots of my sparse hair torn out, and my eyes met fierce silver eyes.

Being this close, it felt like I was peering at something other than molten silver. The silver line on the cloud wasn't nearly as silvery as her eyes. My fingers bit deeply into her body, but I assumed her suffering was severe. "Who is he?" She let out a roar.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." I answered innocently, batting my eyelids like butterfly wings. I could feel the sharp agony striking my brain as her fingers twisted further, and it felt like every hair was falling perfectly into her big hand.

"Who else are you letting touch what's mine, Clementine." She hissed possessively, and I moaned as her teeth snapped sharply across my lips.

"I—" she pushed my head against the seat, and my mind felt like it had been knocked around like a tennis ball. "Don't let me suffocate you with my cock, doll. Tell me, who is it? Her hissing came to my lips. Despite her harshness, my pussy was heated up, and my mouth wet as I prepared to accept her cock just in case. My tired state had gone out the window.

"You don't know him." I whispered. I was playing with fire, and I fucking loved it. I fucking enjoy when her silver eyes darken, like a thunder storm about to come. I fuckin enjoy it when her jaw clenches so hard that puts a nutcracker to shame.

"I—" she pushed my head against the seat, and my mind felt like it had been knocked around like a tennis ball. "Don't let me suffocate you with my cock, doll. Tell me, who is it? Her hissing came to my lips. Despite her harshness, my pussy was heated up, and my mouth wet as I prepared to accept her cock just in case. My tired state had gone out the window.

"You don't know him." I whispered. I was playing with fire, and I fucking loved it. I fucking enjoy when her silver eyes darken, like a thunder storm about to come. I fuckin enjoy it when her jaw clenches so hard that it puts a nutcracker to shame.

My gaze shifted quickly to her cock. How come she hadn't whipped it out yet? "Are you going to shove your cock into my mouth because I saw someone I liked?"

Since I've been here, I haven't seen a single male that makes my pussy bounce like Nikolai, and to put it simply, she was the only one I was interested in thus far.

"Oh, you think I'll help you this time by taking my cock, right doll?" She chuckled grimly. Her next hand swiftly removes her belt and pants. My lips drools as my eyes make contact with her thick, luscious flesh. I want it all in my mouth.

Nothing like being stuck in traffic with a cock down my throat.

Nothing like being stuck in traffic with a cock down my throat

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