Chapter 8

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Lloyd watches as the nurse starts to walk away and starts to panic as he notices the medicine in your hand*

*"GOD DAMN IT! I told her to stop putting medicine in your damn body! This makes it all the harder to bring you back!"*

My grip on his hand loosens as I'm forcibly  asleep once again. It'll be hours before he can even reach me again.

*LLoyd clenches his hand in anger as he watches you slowly drift off to sleep and he yells out*


Lloyds voice becomes muffled as I'm back into the dreamland.

*As you enter the dream world you find yourself laying in your bed in your room. You see Marcus and he is sitting on the edge of your bed. He has a smug look on his face and he is whispering to you*

*"Ah, there she is. I was starting to wonder if you have given up on trying to fight back. Guess I was wrong, you're back. Time to have some fun with you."*

I start to get up quickly off my bed.

*Marcus notices you getting up and it makes him chuckle*

*"Well aren't you spirited, it's nice to see some fire in you. Too bad it won't do you any good. You won't be able to escape this dream."*

I stare at the door as I find an escape route.

*Marcus looks at you and raises an eyebrow as he asks*

*"Are you looking for an exit? You know it's pointless, right?"*

I look around finding my surroundings. *This is my room.* I think to myself.

*Marcus crosses his arms and smiles smugly as he watches you examine everything*

*"Good observation skills, this is your room. But, you won't be able to leave here. That door doesn't exist."*

"This is my dream." I say sternly.

*Marcus smiles as he sees you are trying to take control of the situation*

"*Yes, this is your dream. But it's also a place in which I can take complete control over your actions. You don't get a say in how this dream is run. Remember that."*

I take a step back. "So why can I think why can I speak my own words?" I raise my eyebrow. "You don't have full control yet do you?"

*Marcus notices you still have some free will left and he doesn't seem amused by this fact*

*"I'm starting to realize this dream is not going to be easy to control. As you said, I don't have full control yet. You've managed to find a way to hold onto your freedom."*

A sly smirk crosses my face. I start to back away from him creating some distance between us.

*Marcus watches you back away and is starting to get upset that his control is not fully established*

*"This is not going the way I thought it would. You still have too much free will but it's only a matter of time before I break you."*

I shake my head. "I won't let you break me" I grab the closest thing to me and throw it at him.

*Marcuses eyes widen as the object hits him in the stomach. This makes him angry and he tries to lunge at you to regain control again. However you've managed to stun him long enough for you to get the chance to run out the room*

I run out of the room as I'm running down the hall and down the stairs.

*Marcuses eyes narrow and he becomes more angry. He's trying everything he can to stop you from getting away from him. Marcus manages to teleport in front of you and grab you, holding you back before throwing you to a wall and pinning you against it*

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