Chapter 59: Transfer Station

Start from the beginning

Wait a minute. Since this Tianqiong could change the place according to one’s thoughts, it shouldn’t be too difficult to change the illusion in that room. Song Qinglan however wasn’t sure what they would see if they opened that door again.
If it didn’t change, then the situation would be interesting — Seeing your own bed and your own bedroom appearing in another person’s subconscious, it was impossible for someone as intelligent as Ji Yushi to not be able to guess the reason.
Song Qinglan absolutely didn’t want that kind of situation to occur.

The two stood face to face like this in silence for several seconds.

Song Qinglan: “If the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move.”

Fortunately, Ji Yushi didn’t seem to have noticed anything and didn’t mention the room again.
He instead took out something from his pocket and gave it to Song Qinglan, “I picked it up just now. For you.”

Song Qinglan curiously received it. Ji Yushi had given him a white starfish. The small starfish was still a little heavy and it carried along with it the subtle smell of sea water. His heart felt like it was tickled by a feather, but Song Qinglan spoke coldly, “Starfish? You two went to the beach?”

Intuitively sensing that the other party was a little upset, Ji Yushi was confused.
Could it be that men can also have those days of the month?

“Yeah. The transfer station on my end happened to be the beach I visited when I was seventeen.” Ji Yushi said, “Kado. Have you been there?”

Kado was an island with crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. It is currently a popular travel destination but back in those days, Kado was just one of the many small islands attached to the country.

“I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t been there.” Song Qinglan said, “I was already enlisted into the army the year you went.”

After enlisting, he had spent a bloody career in the special forces and when he retired, he directly joined Tianqiong as a Guardian.
Time was precious and there was a lot to do at work. Even during his vacations, Song Qinglan didn’t have enough time or energy to organise a relaxing trip for himself.

Song Qinglan held the starfish in his palm and could feel it’s somewhat wet and rough texture, “I picked up a lot of shells when I went to other beaches as a child, but I’ve never seen a starfish.”
Ji Yushi said, “I have also never picked one up before.”

Song Qinglan glanced at him. It was as if he was asking ‘didn’t you pick one up this time?’.

Ji Yushi said, “Perhaps as long as you subconsciously want something, Tianqiong would give it to you. Desires cannot be hidden from it, there is practically nowhere to hide.”
Song Qinglan’s expression suddenly became a little strange, “…….”

Song Qinglan felt uncomfortable everywhere. At this moment, Ji Yushi ended the topic, “When you have a chance to in the future after going back, you can go and have a vacation at Kado. You might be able to pick one up there.”

After going back?
The thought that had been pushing everyone through was the thought of going back.
That real reality was different from the bubble world. Everyone’s life would be restored to its original state and there would be no more Chief Qi that would make Ji Yushi enter a state of confusion. It was just that Song Qignlan didn’t know if they would still be in contact after they return.

This topic was suddenly being touched upon because everyone knew that they couldn’t stay in the transfer station for long.
Only after completing the missions arranged by Tianqiong could they return, so no matter how comfortable the transfer station may be, it was only an illusion in the mind. A short mental break was enough. The most important thing was returning to reality.

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