"What the..." Engfa shouted over the loud music quickly running for the docking station she tore the phone from it as the two girls remained in a fit of laughter on the floor.

"Charlotte" Engfa snapped as Char's body stiffened as Becky continued to laugh.

"Becky" Freen snapped as silence filled the room.

"Babe it's not what it looks like...I was minding my business and Becky popped up out of the blue and forced that bottle of gin into me" Char said seriously but giggled as she mentioned the word gin.

"What's up Doc" Char giggled as Freen gritted her teeth. The Surgeon sighed as she shut the front door but kept her distance from the pair on the ground, suddenly Becky didn't feel so drunk as she watched Freen glare at her.

"Right up now" Engfa broke the awkward silence as she yanked Becky helping her to her feet and carried her while Becky hobbled to the couch.

"You, my place now" Engfa snapped pointing at Char who remained sitting on the floor. Char immediately got to her feet as she followed Engfa towards the door hand gesturing for Becky to call her later.

"I'll see you soon hon" Engfa said to Freen as she gripped her elbow momentarily looking back to Becky who gulped as she sat like a bold child on the couch "go easy ok" she added and quickly made her way to the door with Char hot in her heels like a lost puppy. Freen watched as the flat door closed her attention going back to Becky.

"How was your first day back" Becky smiled not sure what else to say. The gin was either going to make her laugh or cry and judging by the look on Freen's face, there would be plenty of tears.

Freen's jaw clenched as she stepped further into the apartment looking around the pokey apartment it was definitely a downgrade from her luxurious apartment near Mayfair.

"Why do you do it Becky" Freen said coldly as she removed her jacket standing in her tight jeans, boots and jumper she looked hot but now really wasn't the time for Becky to compliment her wife.

"Do what" Becky asked.

"Take things a step too far" Freen shot back slowly but surely unable to keep her cool any longer

"Freen I..." Becky attempted to get to her feet.

"Sit down Becky" Freen snapped marching towards her drunken wife.

"Look at you., you're a fucking mess" Freen huffed.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was when I phoned earlier and got no answer" she added as Ally shifted uncomfortably in her seat, she lost track of time with Rach so shoot her.

"I'm sorry we just had a couple of drinks and..."

"A couple, it smells like a fucking brewery in here" Freen snapped "You shouldn't even be drinking on in your state."

"I broke my bloody foot big deal; you can't keep me glued to that couch and not expect me to come see my best friend, Freen. I needed to get out" Becky snapped.

"Are you already regretting staying with me" Freen replied a little offended.

"No but I didn't think I was on house arrest" Becky replied "I'm my own person Freen and I don't need babysitting" Becky huffed folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm your Wife Becky, the least you can do is answer your phone and let me know you were ok" Freen shouted.

"Oh, so now you are my Wife" Becky sneered, those gin and tonics really weren't going to do her any favors in this argument.

"What does that supposed to mean" Freen mumbled glaring down at the brunette.

"Last time I checked when you are married you open up, talk about things, share a bed, make love and tell each other you love each other" Becky hissed, she knew she was pushing Freen but they needed this, she couldn't stand not knowing what was going on between them anymore.

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