ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 23: Iᑎ ᗩᑎOTᕼEᖇ ᒪIᖴE

Start from the beginning

It had been three long days, and Elena remained in a deep, unyielding slumber with no indication of waking up. The medical team, uncertain of when or if she might regain consciousness, noted her troubling lack of cognitive response. The weight of this situation pressed heavily on her family, particularly her mother, who struggled to comprehend how her daughter had once again fallen into such a dire state. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt, she lamented her inability to prevent Elena from succumbing to her inner demons once more.

For three consecutive days, Martha had kept a vigilant watch by Elena's bedside, her heart heavy with hope and fear. As she gazed out the window, the twinkling lights of the city at night danced in the distance, painting a mesmerizing map of the nighttime world. The towering skyscrapers stood tall and luminous, casting a glow that somehow echoed the spirit and resilience Martha saw in her daughter, Elena.

"You've always been so high and bright about your future, Elena! Always trying to show me and your father how much stronger and capable you were in everything you did!" Martha murmured softly, her voice filled with a mix of pride and sorrow.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry if you've ever felt like I didn't believe your ability to be much more than what I had in mind for you!" Martha cried in solitude, her words a mix of regret and longing. She gazed up at the sky, silently yearning for things to return to normal. Suddenly, a creaking sound pierced the silence from behind her. The door slowly swung open, revealing her husband's tired and stoic face, a testament to the turmoil that had engulfed their lives.

"Has she shown any progress?" James uttered quietly as he closed the door behind him. Martha let out a scoff and rolled her eyes at his question, a display of her frustration and exhaustion.

"You finally show up today! I started to think that you weren't interested in visiting her today!" Martha muttered back, her gaze locked on his strained expression.

"Martha! Do I have to remind you that I'm an important man with important duties?" He retorted with a rigid stance. Her blood boiled at his words, hands clenching tightly at her sides.

"And do I have to remind you that before all that, your daughter comes first? Your first priority as a father should be to check on your daughter's recovery!" Martha's eyes blazed with determination as he wearily rubbed his forehead.

"I'm aware of that, woman! I simply cannot afford to waste time staying here when you could easily keep me informed about our daughter!" James scoffed in disbelief. Martha swiftly closed the distance between them, locking eyes with him in an intense stare-down.

"I have endured your insensitivity towards Elena for years! Always favoring our son over her!" Martha's voice quivered with pent-up emotion.

"From the moment she began to speak, you saw your own daughter as a rival to our son! You made it clear she was never to outshine Axel in any way!"

"You sent our daughter to Romania, to a boarding school for years, because you couldn't stand the thought of her overshadowing Axel in any way!" Martha's voice trembled with anger as she spoke.

"It became crystal clear to me that you would always choose Axel over Elena, no matter what! You didn't care that she inherited all the qualities of your family! Something you had wished for Axel!" Martha's words poured out with raw emotion. His body tensed as he met her fiery gaze, realizing the depth of her fury for the first time in a long while.

"Ha...Elena was never the perfect child, and you know it! She's always been challenging and a source of trouble," he stated with frustration, his hand instinctively reaching for his forehead.

"Have you not seen what we're dealing with now? She's in a coma due to a drug overdose, and the media is creating a frenzy over our daughter's involvement with a Callaway!" His agitation was palpable, clearly overwhelmed by the chaos Elena had stirred up. Martha seized his clothing, pulling him closer with urgency.

"That's because you made her feel she had to be flawless to earn your approval! When she fell short of your expectations, she would internalize the disappointment in harmful ways," Martha accused, her voice tinged with hurt and frustration

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"That's because you made her feel she had to be flawless to earn your approval! When she fell short of your expectations, she would internalize the disappointment in harmful ways," Martha accused, her voice tinged with hurt and frustration.

"James....you did this to our daughter!!!" Martha's voice cracked with emotion as tears streamed down her cheeks. James let out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head in denial.

"Wrong! All that's happening right now is because of her own damn decisions! I did everything in my power to shape her into the woman she is today...only for her to disappoint me in the worst way possible!" He retorted bitterly, his words cutting through Martha's distress.

"I hope she wakes up soon because I will make her days even more miserable! Now I have a drug addict for a daughter, and to top it off, everyone knows about her relationship with that son of a bitch!" He raised his voice, his gaze filled with disgust and anger as he stared at his unconscious daughter lying lifeless in the hospital bed.

"James!! Please, I beg you, don't inflict more pain on our daughter than what she has already endured! This time, I implore you to listen to me and consider sending our daughter to a mental health facility! She needs help!!!" Martha cried out, grasping his head in her hands, pleading with him to prioritize their daughter's well-being over concerns about public perception.

"Now you want my name associated with mental illness? She doesn't need to go to a mental hospital. Elena will be okay, and I will do everything in my power to help her!" He retorted, but Martha's eyes fell shut in disappointment.

"No! She doesn't need more of your manipulative tactics! You've only made her numb to her own emotions, making her feel inadequate because you desired a son in her!" Martha's voice trembled with emotion.

"Please...just help her stop being so harsh on herself and allow her to experience emotions...to truly live!"

"I want my daughter to experience love, family, and happiness!" Martha's words were filled with despair as she looked at a man who appeared disinterested.

"And how do you propose to do that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Martha slowly backed away, giving him a determined look.

"If you refuse to consider helping our daughter through the right means, then at least convince her to get married!" She stated, causing his eyes to widen in surprise at her suggestion.

"If she marries, you'll finally achieve one of the things you've always wanted. Even if her children won't carry on your family name, you'll still gain a positive image and reputation through your daughter's married life," Martha suggested, hoping to appeal to his desire for societal approval.

Public opinion is everything James worries about! And now Elena is completely out of touch with the world! 🫣

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