Competition entry for thathermitweirdo

78 7 36

There was a Convex option. 

I had to.

This is going to be very long.


The vex had taken over.

Scar knew that the moment he woke up. But he wasn't worried.

Until he saw the blood.

His hands and lower sleeves were covered in it. Something happened. Scar glanced at the glowing vex necklace he wore. Cub was at Concorp. They needed to talk. Scar took off, flying from his base, across the shopping district...

Sudden weight, and Scar was pinned to the ground by Grian with a sword against his neck. Iskall stood behind.

'Where is he?' Grian snarled. His eyes were glowing purple. Not much, but enough for Scar to know the sword wasn't harmless diamond.

'Grian, please...' The sword was only pushed further against Scar's neck, silencing Jim. Iskall stepped closer, hands and voice shaking as he read from the book.

'Dear Architechs,

My sincerest apologies for laying this burden upon you but Mumbo didn't cooperate.

He is trapped and will die painfully in 3 days if you don't destroy Sahara and never rival ConCorp again.

Yours sincerely,

Captain Jack (CEO of ConCorp)'

'Where is he?' Grian repeated, trying not to cry. Scar couldn't speak. The Vex- they wouldn't. They wouldn't do that. Trap Mumbo. And from the blood...

'G- Grian...' Scar choked out. 'Believe me... The Vex took over... I don't know-'

'Don't LIE to me!' Pain, sharp against his neck as Grian pushed the sword deeper still.

'Maybe we do the same to you,' suggested Iskall. 'Lock you up, forget where.' All Scar could do was a tiny headshake, eyes shining with terror.

'Have you ever seen an infinity rooms, Scar?' Grian whispered. 'Or would you prefer bedrock?' Scar's eyes only widened at the suggestion of the block that stifled Vexling magic.


'Your life for Mumbo's. Surely Cub would accept that.'

Kill him kill him kill him. The Vex whispered louder and louder in Scar's mind, his eyes growing bluer. Kill them both. Kill them. Kill them. Kill them. KILL THEM!

Scar attacked. Grian screamed, stumbling backwards, bleeding. But Scar was free, standing and backing away. The Vex's power faded, and he tried to explain one last time.

'We- Me and Cub... we don't know where Mumbo is... or- or what...' He couldn't continue, nightmarish thoughts of what the psychotic Vex could've done flooding his mind. 'But we'll find him. I swear on the Vex. We'll handle anything that...' Scar insisted, faltering and backing away as Grian's expression turned from fury to horror, the Watcher on the verge of violence. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.'

'You don't deserve to be Hermits.' Grian spat.

'I know.'

Scar flew away.

Cub wanted to scream. The Vex had made him and Scar do... something. Something very bad. And they weren't telling them what. Every instinct borne from a season and half of trauma told him to find Scar and hide under Concorp until everything had calmed down. But he couldn't.

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