18. Is my baby wet for Me?

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Author's pov:

Murtasim and Meerab after their intimate session, got dressed up and Murtasim drove the car to their home.

They reached their home and Murtasim cuddled his Meerab closer to his chest and slept.

The next morning,

Everyone congratulated Meerab and Murtasim at the dining table and gave their blessings to them for their soon to be wedding.

They have fixed the dates for the Engagement and the Wedding.

At the evening,

Murtasim - Maa,i am going to Village for few days regarding some work.

Sahana- Murtasim, take Meerab along with you.

Murtasim - Maa, what will she do there?

Sahana- Beta, she is on holidays now. Let her enjoy for sometime. Mai will be there at the village to take care both of you. Show Meerab the village, she loves village too much. Besides, Navya also gone to take care of her sister as she is not well. Navya is also okay with it. She has been in to studies so much,let her get relaxed. She needs a break.

Murtasim- Ji Maa..as you say. Please tell her to get ready. I will go to office and come back in an hour. then we will leave.

Sahana- Ji Beta.

Murtasim went to his office and Sahana has informed Meerab about her visit to Village.

She jumped in joy because she can spend some time with his Man.

Murtasim came back home after an hour. And both of them bid bye to Sahana and started their journey to Village. It will take 3 hours to reach the village.

Murtasim is driving the car and Meerab is enjoying the climate so much.

Meerab become red imagining the last night intense moments in the same car. A red hue covered her both cheeks.

Murtasim looked at her flushed state and smiled.

Meerab slept in an hour in the car and Murtasim is driving the car and it's pouring outside heavily.

They reached the village and they become wet in the rain while going inside from the car parking to the house.

Mai greeted them and gave towels to them..

Mai- Khan, the food is ready. Shall i serve it?

Murtasim - Please set the table,then you can go to sleep. It's already 9:30 PM.We will have the dinner after changing the clothes.

Mai- Ji khan.The luggages are kept in the respective room

Murtasim - Shukriya..

Then Mai went to the the servant quarters.

Then Murtasim locked the door and went towards Meerab and held her hand.

Meerab's eyes become red, she is shivering lightly because of cold.

He took her to her room,took the towel from her hand and dried her hairs which are wet.

"Go and change the dress,Jaan" he said.

She looked at him, his hairs are wet and he is looking super handsome. His dishelved hairs, his face has tiny droplets, his soft pink wet kissable lips.

His neck has water droplets,his shirt has stick to the body because of wetness.

She gulped looking at him.

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