The nightmare before Christmas the Ice Truck Killer strikes again

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I was Dexter I had to close my eyes and walk with him because strobe lights gave me a headache thanks to my seizer disorders but right now there was no telling where the lights were coming from. And it seemed Dexter was looking a little lost. Though it's never easy to tell a memory a dream or is really happening but usually in the beginning it's not what we think it is before the camera zooms out and the episode goes on. Dexter says he has never had to have some concept of hell but if there is this would be it. We were in a crime scene squad and police cars everywhere but not a soul in sight. It was a parking garage so I guess it kind of made sense minus that it was a crime scene I guess. And now that we both have seen the flashback the images run through our heads and they don't stop. This has been hard on us both especially lately Dexter. Which is really weird to be perfectly honest. He doesn't show emotion unless it's me. The other night was the first time I remember ever seeing him cry. The one time he did where I didn't. And I am always afraid I am always crying.

We were talking together as we followed the blood on the ground little droplets so far. We talked about how we were there we knew that was us. We know that we saw our mother die. How she was held in the arms of a menacing man before collapsing in the blood. I've learned what happened is called being born of blood. Which explains my destane and fear of the color red on it's own and my dislike for blood and why Dexter has a thing for it as well and why he's a serial killer. There had been blood sprayed on the walls and the chainsaw hitting bone. The only way the ITK could know about this memory would be if he was there as well. Was he the one that killed her or was he another victim another serial killer born of blood but without a code. Was he charming and kind like Dexter or was he more like Paul? Rudy knows where we live but has never been there before he looked around our kitchen like he knew where everything is he knew about the chainsaw and works with people who have lost their limbs and makes fake ones for them. The old lady tried to talk to us about Rudy when we left dad's house. Did he kill him? Was she still alive? Why did he kill the girls Deb had worked with? If he was the ITK. Why did Neil Perry take the blame? What did he have against Angel? He hadn't be a threat to him.

He wanted to get to know us better. Wanted to talk about us when our sister was hurting and upset with us. When she wanted to make love to him. It was a buried memory of us both that we hid away and we were too young to remember until what happened happened. And it makes sense why he has a dark passenger why there's any darkness in me at all and I had to wonder if it was genetic if he and Rita had kids of their own could it be passed down to them? I will adopt kids with whoever my person I marry is. And then I wonder what happened. We were suddenly surrounded by people. Where had we gone? How did we go there together? We are where Angel was stabbed and bleeding out and was in hospital gown. Deb was saying she wanted to kill whoever did this to him then noticed us. Were we ok? I guess she wasn't upset with us anymore. Everything was as it should had been. Deb is standing where Angel was when he was stabbed. Why wasn't in a hospital bed since he was in a gown? Why is he there? He should be getting taken care of not a crime scene. He was stabbed and bleeding out he could be dead right now. Thought that would change the plot for the end of the last season though yes please I hate the way it ended.

It was strange because he was just standing in front of us not 5 mins ago how could Vince say he was in surgery? (At least according to the script according to the script it says he was telling Dexter he should be focused on him was that in his head?) He played it off that we were distraught about Angel. Deb of course believed it from me but would probably be unsure because of Dexter he doesn't show emotion. Deb was upset that she felt so useless and how Maria was with him right now. And was confused why Vince wasn't making jokes right now. Vince said our friend was stabbed and could die. But I can almost swear he was here a moment ago. (Is the script wrong did it mean to say Vince's name or had he been in his head?) Deb reaches out to grab Vince's arm in comfort. And then James calls her over and she rushes off. I did my job taking photos of this and that while Dex helped Vince with his. The blood was jagged it was smeared on the pillars and the SUV and Dexter could see that Angel fought back so good for him. We followed the little drops of blood where he tried to get away but fell. Dexter was starring at the blood now there was a good amount of it here where Angel had been stabbed.

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