I thought you were already dead

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I could hear the shower running Dexter was in there thinking he does that when he's in the shower I sing he thinks. The shower is the best time to do that for someone like Dexter. But he knew it was harder now that he was in a real relationship as he called it. I was over making the kids breakfast while he and Rita were in the shower. It was more a distraction for the kids if and or since Dexter was gonna be staying the night or whatever and I didn't want to be at the house alone. And not comfortable enough yet to be the only non mafia member in a house full of mafia people including my boyfriend. They can turn us whenever they felt like it. Especially if things went wrong with Jack and I. No one to protect us in case my brother ever got caught. Which I have to say we almost did that da. Not anything we did but what Rita and Dexter were doing. See I had gotten there before the kids woke up they left the door unlocked for me for a distraction such as this.

But they were currently in the shower now and tangled up in the shower head since they had one that stretched. And the door was locked and Cody was trying to open the door needed to use the bathroom. Of course he didn't understand why the door was locked but why was he just trying to open the door? Ever heard of knocking kid? Who tries to open a closed door without knocking first?! That's just rude! It seemed that they at the least knew Dexter was at the house because Rita said she would be there in a sec and Dexter asked him to hold on but Cody was having a hard time holding it but he did NOT need nor want to see this and neither did I. It was a problem because it was a one bathroom house. Thankfully when he came in they were at least in towels. How did you get that ugly scar? He asked Dexter. Scar? I wondered. Rita nearly scolded him Dexter said he got into a sword fight and won.

I felt I would've remembered seeing a scar on Dexter. Where had he gotten it from? No doubt our line of work was dangerous but Dexter was always so careful if he wasn't he was dead. Astor came in needing to brush her teeth. Rita asked her kids what had happened to knocking but her kids didn't seem to care she was worried about being late to school. You brush you pee Dexter said.... I'm gonna he got out of the bathroom. I thought Farrah was watching you guys helping you get ready for school? Rita asked. She's making breakfast she woke us up Astor told Rita. What a big scar Astor had said. A sword fight he won Cody said. You have a scar where? From what? I called after Dexter. What happened when? And why didn't you tell me? Later. He called back to me. It's not a big deal. Dexter took his clothes to get dressed. Meanwhile Angel and James were driving together Angel was upset that his wife wanted a separation started talking about a divorce and something her lying to him. James pointed out he did that too when he cheated on her. He pointed out he only did it once and he felt so crappy about it he told her the next day.

James felt that was his problem he was too honest and Angel said she wouldn't even talk about it with him wouldn't even go to counselling together. James suddenly panicked when saw some random guy walk by he told Angel to stop the car. What was this about? Dude had a paper bag in his hands James jumped out of the car and called out to him chased after him as the guy dropped his sack and took off. What was going on?! Angel tried to turn the car around and chase after them as James and the man jumped over a ledge. Angel stopped the car somewhere got out with his gun at the ready. James was fine but the other guy he was chasing looked dead. I think he probably was. Why was James chasing him how did he end up dead so fast? Wasn't this the same guy he was just chasing a few secs before? It was now a crime scene and James was really upset. We all got called down. I didn't have time for this I was gonna be late for school as well. Dexter thinks I'm spread too thin. My dinner theatre show my Phycology class my art class helping him working for the police my book. But I wanted to be kept busy I didn't want to have time to think. My head was not a good place to be.

We were told the suspects name Jacques Bayard according to his licence. Maria was also there now. I didn't have time for this early in the morning. Dexter would've nudged me if he could but anytime I see her I get this look in my eyes this look on my face a look he knew well a feeling he knew all too well. Stop he mouthed at me when we met each other's gaze. Let's go over this again she turned to James. He said he saw a gun in his waistband he said he wanted to question him and that the guy took off running when he saw him. Maria asked if Angel saw all of this he agreed that he saw the suspect bolt and how he turned the car around to help with the chase. He said after that the guy took a shot at him and he took fire and began firing back. How could that all had happened in the 20 secs that this happened? Something was not adding up. The guy was carrying a sack of something sure he might have had a gun on him but he wasn't using it and maybe had a permit for it and of course he tried to shoot him I would've tried to also if a strange black man chased after me when I was just walking by minding my own business would've shot at him in self defense.

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