Another Phrase

15 6 0


"Best of luck, Soo," my sister Sooah said, patting my back.

"I'm nervous, unnie. What if I can't do it?" I replied, organizing my research papers in order for the presentation.

I had become a researcher, deeply involved in studies rather than inventions. But if time permitted, I hoped to become a scientist and conduct groundbreaking experiments. My elder sister worked with me but in a different department - the Archaeological Department.

"Meeting no. 15 will begin promptly at 2 o'clock. Please settle in the meeting room by 1:55 p.m.," the announcer declared. I hurried inside the meeting room.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Let's proceed with our research on 'Life on Other Planets.' Please contribute your best creativity and imagination," my HOD said as my colleagues began their presentations one by one.

After Mr. Miller, it was my turn. Everyone had done great; I hoped my presentation would shine too.

"Good afternoon to everyone present here. I am Soojin Min, a member of the Astroscience department, presenting my research on the existence of life beyond Earth and our Milky Way Galaxy. We are all familiar with the term 'aliens.' It fascinates not only adults but children too. From childhood, we've been curious about aliens, so let's explore this topic further," I began, and everyone's mood lit up.

"I firmly believe that life exists beyond our Milky Way Galaxy. There are countless galaxies, so it's possible that planets like Earth exist there too. If they have a similar atmosphere, life could be possible. However, the creatures there might be different from those on Earth or perhaps similar," I continued, but then a colleague questioned me.

"On what basis can you say the creatures might be the same or different?" he asked.

"Well, planets and galaxies are formed from numerous collisions between celestial bodies. It might happen that a planet like Earth in another galaxy lacks a certain element due to these collisions. Suppose there's a planet called 'Seilo,' where the source of solar energy is more abundant, and the creatures there have adapted to utilize the excess solar energy," I explained.

The meeting went on for three hours and finally came to an end. I was satisfied with my presentation. I had a knack for making presentations.

I was about to leave the conference hall when a voice stopped me.

"Miss Soojin, are you leaving?" Alex, one of my colleagues, asked. He was nearly six feet tall with rolled-up white sleeves. His physique could attract any woman.

"Oh yes. Do you need any help?" I asked politely. Generally, the female staff couldn't respond to him without stuttering, but his demeanor didn't attract me.

"Are you free this weekend?" he asked, scratching his neck.

"I am," I replied, even though I had a spa appointment with Sooah but it was for a few hours.

"Great! Would you like to hang out with me?"

"Nice idea, I'll see you. DM me the place," I waved him off and left.

In the car:

"Did Alex ask you out?" Sooah asked while I was driving.

"It's not a date. It's just a friendly hangout."

"That's how people start dating."

"I'm not interested. He's a playboy."

"Maybe he could change for you."

"What? Hahaha... Unnie, you need to stop watching your delusional K-dramas. Fictional men don't exist," I said, throwing my hands in the air.

"By the way, are you going to visit Ko-?" Sooah started to ask the same question she always did, even though she knew my answer.

"No... I'm not free; I have work," I explained calmly.

"Oh yeah, I understand. You have tons of work, and the two-week holidays every staff member gets – you'll use them for your vacation to France, right?" Sooah said, raising her voice.

"Sooah! You keep interrupting my work. I don't want to go, and I've clearly stated that before. Now, stop forcing me," I said, pulling the car to a stop beside the road and getting out.

I knew she'd start lecturing me because I called her by her name but I honestly didn't care.

Luckily, when I was walking on the snow-covered streets of DC, I saw Sooah driving our car. As it passed, I caught a glimpse of her glaring at me. I wasn't afraid of that.

Before entering our home, I bought her favorite sweet caramel mocha to lighten her mood. I shouldn't have been so harsh earlier... I felt sorry.

"What's my dear unnie doing?" I asked with a small grin, opening her door.

"Go away," she said in a low voice.

"Aaye, aaye - I can't do that," I said, placing the box on her study table and hugging her. Though she was sitting on her bed, she had her knees folded under her, a typical Asian pose. She had more Asian manners than I did.

"You can leave me in a car in the middle of a bustling street, but you can't leave me alone in my room," she said, freeing herself from my grip.

"Ahh- about that... sorry. I apologize, joesonghabnida," I said, handing her the box.

She opened it, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, you know I can't stay angry with you," she said, opening the box. She gave one to me and started eating the other.

"Any idea how your first date is going to be?" she asked, licking the cream.

"First of all, it's not a date," I responded.

Congratulations to both Soojin and Sooah for achieving their dreams 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
I am excited to acknowledge the fact that some of our future scientists are also reading this, a.k.a my readers!!
Well, I don't know about your dreams (mind telling me in the comments?) but I know that it's gonna get fulfilled!!

Work hard like the 2 sisters & success will kiss your feet <<<333
(Was it like a Value Education class? Loll xd, I have Value Education classes thrice a week, yes, your author has a lot of values 😎)

Now, it's time for some budding love story 💓

Love Across UniverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon