▸ twenty-one

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Within the graceful steps of dance and the strokes of artistic expression, beware the shadow that frustration casts. For in the pursuit of perfection, the dance with despair can lead to a perilous choreography, where the beauty of creation may be overshadowed by the haunting steps of relentless discontent.


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Andrew sits on the steps of the main building of the campus, headphones in his ear, and his foot tapping to the rhythm of the song playing. His eyes were close, visualizing and counting steps to a choreography he was making in his head. This was the third meeting he had with the board of the school. The third meeting that they called him into, the third meeting to determine if he could return to the school and finish his last year.

As he mumbles the lyrics to himself, his earbuds are pulled from his ear, causing his jaw to clench before he glances over at his father. "Didn't I tell you to wear the suit!"

"Honey, don't draw attention to us." His mother murmurs, patting his father's hand before glaring at him. "He's right. We are here to support you and you're dressed in ripped jeans and a jacket? If you don't take this seriously, how will they forgive you for what you've done? The police statement can only do so much."

Rolling his eyes, he takes his earbud from his father's hand and pushes it back into his ear. He didn't need them with him. He's an adult, he could go through this meeting on his own, but his parents finally want to show up by his side. Support him. They're only showing up because of their statues. Andrew knew they were going to attempt to use their statue to get him back into the school. His father is a very important doctor who owns two hospitals in the city, and her mother who wrote multiple books about her struggles as a young mother. Their statue skyrocketed since he made a name for himself at the university, but that was before–before he was accused of disturbing and using drugs.

"Damnit Andrew," his father snatches his earbud again. "Can't you go to another school? How about you live with your grandparents? You can attend school there–"

"I'm not moving to another country to attend one year of fucking college." Andrew snaps, standing from the chair, snatching his earbud back. He slowly watches his father's expression turn from angry to super piss.

"Why the fuck are you two here anyway? You didn't give a shit then, why now?!"

His father stands up and backhands him. "I heard enough! We took time out of our day to come to this hearing with you, and all you've done was shown us disrespect!"

"Honey-" his mother stands up holding his father's arm.

"No!" his father shouts, "We're done here. You want to live your life as a damn junkie, then fine! We're cutting you off, for good!"

Andrew still had his face turn in the direction it went when his father backhanded him. He could taste the blood on his tongue, as he looked at his father's angry expression. "Who needs your fucking money anyway, I'd rather be broke and homeless than see your face again."

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