The man on the bed whispers "Are you alright Carmen Mom? Are you in any pain, you don't have to stay if you don't want to."

She strokes his hair "I'm staying right here with you and AMei, I won't leave you alone. Oh, I almost forgot Wangji come here son."

He walks over to the bed and looks at his mother "Wangji this is my friend I have been telling you about for so long, AXian this is my son Wangji."

Wangji looks at the man on the bed and nods with a small smile "Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm sorry your daughter is in here, I hope she will be alright."

He smiles softly stealing Wangji's breath "Hey, Wei Wuxian, it's nice to meet you too, sorry it wasn't under better circumstances. I know this must be out of the norm for you."

He puts his hands in his pockets and shrugs "You know my mother so you know I can say this with all honesty, no it's not out of the norm."

Carmen watches them then pouts looking offended "Hey, that's not a nice thing to say about your mother."

Wuxi smirks "He's not wrong though Carmen Mom, remember your friend you introduced me to while I was in the men's room? You just barged in and introduced him to me while I was doing my business, I almost peed on you both, you startled me so bad."

Wangji chuckles understanding that scenario well when it comes to his mother. Wuxi shivers a little at the sound and hugs his daughter closer. She begins to stir and gets fussy but doesn't scream and cry like she did earlier. They must have given her something for the pain in her ear.

He sits up and coos at her "Look who decided to wake up and say hello. How is my sweet baby feeling hm?"

She whines but sits in his lap and looks around the room, her eyes stop on Wangji and he gasps when he sees her. She is beautiful but her eyes are incredible, a stormy sky with a golden star in the center. He stares at her and she stares back then she reaches for him.

He looks scared, glancing at his mother as if asking what he should do. She chuckles as she watches her son panic "Pick her up, you won't break her, if she wants you to hold her then do it, she doesn't feel good so indulge her will you?"

Wuxi on the other hand is gob-smacked, his daughter never goes to strangers, and she shies away from friends and family when she is cranky or doesn't feel good. This is a first, he can't believe she is reaching for this beautiful man.

He walks over and gingerly picks her up, holding her close to his body and she immediately puts her head on his shoulder, takes a deep breath and quiets down. Wuxi and Carmen's mouths are both hanging open, neither can believe what just happened. They look at each other with twin looks of bewilderment written clearly on their faces.

Wuxi huffs a laugh "Wow, she usually won't go to strangers and when she doesn't feel good, she will only let me hold her, I'm shocked, to be honest."

He gently pats the baby's back and bounces slightly, he admits to himself that it feels good to hold her. She is so small and trusting, that it makes him feel ten feet tall and as strong as Superman knowing that she is trusting him to take care of her. At that moment he fell completely in love with this little girl. He looks at her mother and sees that he is still stunned as he watches Wangji hold his daughter, the same stormy sky eyes without the golden star in the center, beautiful.

The nurse walks into the room "We are ready to move her to a room now."

Carmen nods "It's a VIP room correct?"

The nurse fidgets for a moment "Um no ma'am it's just one of our regular rooms."

Carmen shakes her head "No that won't do, we need a VIP room, please make sure you get one ready for us."

One Night Changed Everything (PAUSED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin