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Leaving the hotel was a disaster. The person at the front desk must have given a tip to the press. There were hundreds of reporter's that morning, as the sheriff and jessie fought their way to the town car that was going to take the both of them to the airport. She handed Jessie her coat to shield her face as she guided her blindly through the crowd.

Hundreds of people were shouting questions at them.  They sat in silence during the ride to the airport. Demi's hand resting on Jessie's knee the entire time. She was just glad the woman didn't shy from her touch, given everything.  They didn't get much time to talk about the kiss and what happened between them. And Demi didn't think they were going to be able to because they have more pressing matters at hand.

She didn't know how she was going to explain this to her boss the mayor. Who she was sure had got wind of it by now. There was an emergency council meeting called as soon as she landed. Jessie, on the other hand, had her body guards flown in on a red eye to escort her back to LA because of the leak to the press.

She could no longer fly commercial, so she was using her personal jet. This meant that thankfully, she got to enter through a private part of the airport, and so did Demi.

They were given five minutes before take off. And Demi handed Jessie a slip of paper with her number on it.

"When you land, give me a call, okay?"

Jessie nodded, hugging the woman before venturing up the steps of her jet while Demi was escorted privately to her flight and was boarded before everyone else. The people weren't really after her. They wanted Jessie.

She felt for the woman. She couldn't imagine how overwhelming this must've been for her. As a sheriff, she cursed herself for not noticing anyone tailing them and taking those pictures.  She was so lost in everything that was Jessie. It was so easy to when you were happy. Demi smiled to herself for the first time in awhile she could finally say she was genuinely happy.

The week that they shared was blissful. She never wanted it to end. Her lips still tingled from the kiss they shared yesterday. She found her fingertips lightly ghosting them at the memory.

God, she was in so deep. How could she let this happen?

She hadn't been in a relationship in years. Given up on love after her girlfriend , who she had wanted to start a life with, walked out on her at the thought of marriage and kids. It was something that Demi always dreamed of. She wanted to adopt and give a child a happy home she had always wished she was given.

When her flight landed, her deputy was waiting for her at the airport. Thankfully, there were no press.

"Well, look who it is. The mistress has returned." Her best friend joked as he took her bags.

She rolled her eyes at his antics. "Don't you start."

"That's what they are calling you. One blog said Jessie ran off to start a life with you in Mexico and that you were honeymooning in Arizona. " he chuckled , watching his friends face scrunch up.

"How bad is it?"

"Well, the mayors pissed. She didn't know about any of this. But at least you still have a job." She groaned, wondering how she was going to clean up this mess. She did not want to be on the mayors bad side.

"Also, Selena is in town." At the sound of her exes' name, she stiffened.  She hadn't heard from that woman in years. What could she possibly want now? She rubbed her temples as she felt the start of a migraine coming on. Her best friend handed her Tylenol immediately.  "She should be at the farmhouse waiting for you there. "

"You let her in my house?" Demi hissed, shooting him a glare.

"Hey! It's not my fault she had a key."

Demi groaned, leaning her head against the window as she closed her eyes. She was not in the mood for Selena and her bullshit. She couldn't possibly know what the woman wanted. The most messed up thing was that a part of Demi still loved the woman and would probably give whatever it was to her if she asked.

"Where to first mayors office or home?"

"Mayor, I don't have time for Lena's crap right now." Demi responded.

By the time she got to the mayors office from the airport, it was nearing closing hours. Which was a good thing. The fewer people she saw the better.  Her deputy agreed to wait in the car for her.

She knocked on the door before opening. The woman's back was to her, which was never a good sign.

"Do you know why I elected you as sheriff?" The woman asked, finally turning to face her as she gestured for Demi to take one of the chairs in front of her desk.  "Because this town has been run by men and only men for the last 30 years."

Demi opened her mouth to retort, but the woman held up her hand, silencing her.

"I don't like to be made of a fool, Demetria."

The sheriff inwardly cringed at the use of her full name. "You have brung embarrassment to this town. The media has already requested to interview me on the actions of you, sheriff, who was frolicking out in public with a missing woman!"

Her voice raised, and she started to pace around Demi as she continued, "You took it upon yourself to conduct a solo investigation and used our police resources for what? A lovers quarrel?"


"No, Demi, you don't get to talk right now. I have to clean up yet another one of your messes. You better hope that lady's husband doesn't sue you or this department. Get the hell out of my office, and you are suspended from all duties until this blows over your deputy will be appointed temporary sheriff."

Demi shot up from her chair. " You can't do this, mother!"

"I can, and I will. I said, get out!"

Demi's fist balled at her sides as she stormed out of the mayors office, slamming the door behind her. Hot angry tears fell from her eyes as she slid into the car, not saying a word.

She reached into her pocket and handed her best friend her badge. "Here you go, sheriff."

"Wait, what?" He shouted, pulling the car over as Demi explained everything to him. "She can't do that!"

"She's the mayor she suspended me until all this blows over. "



He started the car again, "Want to go to my house and have a drink?"

"Yes please I just can't deal with lena right now." Demi checked her phone, she still hadn't received a call from Jessie which was worrying. She wanted nothing more than to hear the woman's voice right now.

When they arrived to his home, his wife greeted them at the door. Demi smiled as the woman pulled her into a hug. "You two can't stay out of trouble, can you?"

She handed them both beers from the fridge, knowing they probably won't be leaving the den for a long time she started dinner.

Demi found herself checking her phone every hour and still nothing from Jessie. Her worry deepened. She didn't have any way of contacting her, which is why she left her number. Demi sighed as she finished her 4th beer. She had no intention of going home and shortly after found herself falling asleep on her best friends couch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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