ELEVEN: Pirate Mercenary

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Zane's POV:

"You Zane Ro'Meave?" I looked up from my book to see an older woman with blonde hair standing there, dressed in a handmaiden's outfit just like Nana's usual outfits.

"I am" She smiled kindly and held out an envelope towards me, I grabbed it and noticed it had the seal from the King and sighed thinking this can't be good.

Pulling a knife out of my boot, she took a step back from me but I just sliced the envelope open and pulled out a note card with the King's writing on it, I started reading it.

If I remember correctly, you are the one who helped my dear Nana-Chan with Zailez a week ago and despite my warning to execute him, he has not listened.

It has come to my attention that Zailez has started following her around now and it is making her nervous, I don't like that at all.

She's too kind for her own good and won't do anything about it, and I heard you are a pirate mercenary unlike your elder brother is simply a pirate captain.

Normally I would not request the help of a mercenary however this is not a situation that I want the palace guards to deal with.

Deal with him in whatever way you see fit and then come to the palace, hand the guards the 2nd note and they'll let you through.

The King.

I looked back up at the older woman, she smiled kindly at me and placed her hands in front of her body as I shoved the envelope and the note into my jacket and stood up.

"He's on his ship" The woman said and then turned around walking off without another word, I looked over at Garroth who raised a brow at me but I ignored it and walked away leaving my book with him.

Walking out of the bar, I noticed a few guards walking around and I waited until they walked past me and then looked over at Zailez's ship docked at the end.

I started making my way down the dock towards his ship, I heard talking nearby and glanced over to see Aaron talking with Aphmau but she semeed to be bugging him about something.

Twirling the knife around in between my fingers, a few merchants walked past me and nodded their heads at me but I didn't bother returning it as I thought of all the ways I would harm him.

Something about Nana had me confused about what I was feeling and somehow me knowing that he hasn't left her alone after my threat and the King's threat made me angry.

It's clear he thought that the threats were nothing but empty ones but I am about to show him how wrong he is for ever thinking nothing would happen to him.

Walking up the plank, I looked around and heard him moving around down below deck and made my way towards the trap door in the corner of his ship.

The wood creaked underneath my boots and I stopped near the door, kneeling down I pulled it open and jumped down hearing him come to a stop nearby.

"Hello?" I heard him call out, I walked in his direction and tossed the knife past his head, he jumped out of the way and I could see the fear in his eyes.

He looked around and I heard him pull out his sword, his head darting around in every direction but I stayed out of the light and stopped near some crates.

"It seems you mistook not only my threat to gut you like fish but the King's threat to excute you if you go near her again" He spun around at the sound of my voice and I pulled a machete out of it's holster underneath my jacket.

Zane⁓Chan: The Handmaiden and The Pirate MercenaryWhere stories live. Discover now