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The sun rose and it was shining as bright as ever. The birds chirped while the wind sang swiftly. It was definitely a beautiful day today.

The girl squirmed feeling the sun on her face and looked around to see the time


Nabi was late for work!!

The female quickly got out of bed and ran to get ready as fast as she could. Her boss hates people who are late. Even though her boss is her fiance, she couldn't just be excused like that

Nabi was now ready as she grabbed whatever she could find and ran to her car.

"Excuse me! Sorry!Pls make way"

The stressed girl cursed herself out for being so careless the night before.

She stayed up all night thinking about what happened the day before. She was smiling like an idiot and kept repeating the scenario in her head

The female knocked on the door just to hear a very deep voice say "come in"

She has never heard that voice though? Nabi was confused but just shrugged it off and opened the door only to see...

A very grumpy looking middle aged man sitting in front of her now fiance. Sunoo looked stressed and showed a small smile once they made eye contact

"And who might you be young lady?"

The grumpy man questioned Nabi while staring her down. He looked very scary and the girl only gulped from nervousness

"I'm Jeong Nabi sir, Fiance of Mr.Kim and his assistant"

Nabi bowed politely and stared down at her feet not daring to look at the man

"So you're the girl my son has been obsessed with?"

The girl was not looking up but she swore she could feel him raising his eyebrows with a smirk

"Father, I think that's enough... you're scaring my fiance"

Nabi finally looked up, "No No, I'm fine" She gave a small and a nod to both of the men

The man only chuckled and signalled the girl to sit down next to him. Nabi looked at Sunoo and he gave her a nod of assurance before she walked slowly and sat next to the man.

The atmosphere in the air was very awkward as the old man kept on questioning Nabi about her life and whatever he could think of

"So why do you think you're right for my son?" The man asked while raising his eyebrows

Nabi was nervous as she didn't know what to say. How was she going to tell her future father in law that she and his son met because they had a one night stand...

"S-sir, I saw your son and instantly fell in love-"

The girl was cut off by the man instantly making her flinch a little

"I didn't ask for any of that, I asked what good you bring my son"

"Father, that is enough, you're scaring her and it's unnecessary" Sunoo finally spoke up after seeing how uncomfortable his fiance was

"Don't but in son, I just want to know" The man tried to convince his son which only made Sunoo sigh with frustration

The man gave her an intimidating look and waited for her answer

"Well I work at a cafe, I have a good degree from college, and i can cook well"

Nabi was shaking as she was kinda half lying, she didn't know how to cook that many dishes, she was just average at it. But she was for sure proud of everything else

"That's it?, where are you parents?"

Sunoo widened his eyes and stared at the uncomfortable Nabi who was also shocked about the question

"I lost my parents a few years ago s-sir"

The girl looked down and played with the hem of her skirt as the topic makes her very sensitive

"No wonder you're so undisciplined"
The man scoffed

Sunoo and Nabi both widened their eyes and this time Sunoo has had enough of his Father's bullshit

"Father that is enough, it's time you head home and get some rest" sunoo finally stood up

"Aish, you're right, I should go and rest" The old man laughed lowly

"Nice meeting you Mr.Kim" Nabi bowed politely with a small smile

The old man gave a fake smile and signalled the girl to go close to him

"May I speak with you for a bit, Ms.Jeong?"

Nabi was confused. Didn't he say he's leaving?

"Speak about what father?" Sunoo raised in eyebrows in confusion

"I just want to assure her about something, don't worry son"

The girl looked at her fiance with nervousness and he slowly gave a nod of assurance before she looked at the old man and nodded

They both stepped out of Sunoo's office

"So what would you like to talk about Mr.Kim?" She asked with a warm smile

"Stay away from my son" The man said with a stern tone which only scared the girl

Nabi was unsure what he meant, stay away from her fiance? For what reason?

"I'm sorry w-what?" The girl could feel both anger and sadness taking over. what did she do for him to tell her to stay away from her fiance?

"You heard me. Stay away from Sunoo and you will be in good hands. if you don't, I will close down your friend's bar and take my son to a different country"

The man smirked proudly which only made Nabi want to gag. Who does he think he is? How does he know Jake's bar and why is he involving her best friend?

"But we are engaged Mr.Kim"

"I know you are engaged but I want you to break the engagement off since I've got a better woman for my son"

"But how could I do that S-sir?"

"Find a way and don't disappoint me. Goodbye"

Nabi was left standing there in shock and fear. What was she going to do? How was she going to break off an engagement that fast with the man she loves most.

She was doomed.

The rest of the day...The girl just purposely ignored her fiance. It was the hardest thing ever seeing his mood slowly change from happy and excited to sad and confused

He would constantly give her small kisses on the cheeks and neck in hopes that she would give in but the girl wouldn't budge

It was now the end of the day and Nabi knew she would have to face him somehow...

They were both packing up to leave and suddenly Nabi felt two arms wrapped around her waist and a chin on her shoulder

"Hey baby, what's wrong? You've been ignoring me all day...did I do something wrong?"

Oh she could feel him pouting and it was the cutest thing ever. The girl was ready to melt! But she couldn't...

Here she goes...she has to do it for the sake of Jake and for the sake of Sunoo too...

"Let's Break off the engagement"...


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