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The morning sunlight was as bright as ever. Both of the adults were sleeping so peacefully and soundly after the long night the night before

Nabi woke up and looked around her surroundings til she spotted the love of her life sleeping so peacefully right next to her

His beautiful plump lips were shining under the sun as well as his long eyelashes she was always jealous of. He was so beautiful she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have him

"You love staring at me don't you?"

The voice startled her as she didn't notice she was zoning out

"Good morning sun"

She gave him a warm smile in which he returned

"Good morning baby, did you sleep good?"

"I slept quite good after you gave me such nice aftercare" she giggled

"That's great, are your legs working fine?"

Sunoo smirked and chuckled at Nabi who widened her eyes

He did go very rough last night, she definitely is sore.

"Ugh, why are you so proud?"
she hid her face from him in embarrassment

"I'm just proud of my work c'mon baby"

Sunoo whined and tugged at the girl who was facing the other way

"How am I gonna go to work?" She pouted

"You don't have to work no more, you're getting married to me"

The girl widened her eyes in shock, he was willing to just take care of her like this?

"No way, I dont wanna burden you"

Nabi felt bad, she didn't wanna burden him with whatever she needed. She was willing to be independent

The man only chuckled and cupped her face

"Listen, will never be a burden to me ever and you know me, I've got plenty of money so you dont ever have to worry"

"Please baby, move in with me and just love me, that's all I need"

Sunoo was desperate, he just wanted her to move in and be with him always

"I'll have to think it through a bit" she assured him while caressing his face

The guy took this chance to go in for a kiss. It was a very needy kiss...

Nonetheless, Nabi kissed him back with the same energy as the newly engaged couple ate eachother 's face off with their stinky morning breath

Sunoo was looking forward to only waking up to this woman next to him every morning, it was his dream for so wake up every morning to a beautiful woman next to him

"You make me so happy my love"

Sunoo secured it with another kiss which made the girl blush and giggle like a little girl

"You make me the happiest sun"

Now both of them were giggling and rolling around the bed while laughter filled the room of the newly engaged couple


"So what did u wanna tell us Nabs?"

Nabi was currently meeting with her best friends after a few weeks of not seeing each other. She missed them so much

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