Evasiveness against aggressiveness

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Where the old Astera and Stellar bring back for each memories of what it felt like fighting as defenders for the monsters they once were.

No one's POV:

Aldo wasted no time and dashed towards Alter ready to smack him with his cane. The skeleton blocked the attack easily and next swung his own cane at the beaver, who stepped to the right and then he jumped up high to hit his opponent with a rotating flying kick in the face. Luckily for Alter he was fast enough to bend slightly backwards.

The kick had almost scratched the surface of his face. The 2 exchanged swings and hits and the hype was high for the pirates who were witnessing this. 1 and a half minute later then, as Aldo had attempted to hit again Alter and jumped backwards, before he could land, much to his shock Alter threw his cane at him.

It smacked him right in the forehead and the beaver stumbled back, dizzy from the hit as he had gotten. Before he knew it, Alter had thrown him on the floor, who grabbed again his cane and pressed the one tip of it against his opponent's throat.

Continuation of Chosen falls for a pirateWhere stories live. Discover now