Hasten escape and more blood on the way

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Where with Alter unconscious, Geno runs away from Lisbon and returns to the Reapers. The Government however will not take long to reply for all damage and deaths.

No one's POV:

He flinched. The pupils inside his eyesockets dissappeared hearing the vibrating voice calling him out. But soon his expression was filled again with madness as he turned to look at Geno approaching him with fast determined steps. Still he didn't let go of Tefra.

His grip had somewhat relaxed though, enough to not choke her to death. Geno stopped in front of Alter and looked up to him clenching his fists. He didn't speak for seconds. Eventually he closed his eyesocket, inhaled and looked at the taller skeleton a little more firmly.

"Put her down." He said. The taller didn't make any move that was indicating he would obey to Geno's words. The siren hissed lightly. "Didn't you hear me?" He asked.

"Gœ đœ yœur thıng ænđ łəævə mə đœ mınə." The tall skeleton replied rolling his eyesockets.

"Yøu'rə førgəttıng yøur płæce." Geno said a little more aggressively, causing the other to chuckle. "Nəxt to me, escorting me to my destiny-."

Continuation of Chosen falls for a pirateWhere stories live. Discover now