Progress away from the main events.

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Where fuss is caused under the sea and 2 more important allies are soon about to get involved with Geno's destiny.

1 week ago...

No one's POV:


She yelled and her eyes seemed ready to pop out of her face as she glared down at 2 mermaids with armor chestplate, who were just staring forth emotionlessly.

"Unfortunately your majesty, she managed to break free from her chains and tricked us into thinking she escaped the cell. A little too late we realised she was above us and stung us with puffer fish spikes. We don't know how she got her hands to those."

"Oh IS THAT SO!" Morganna swam back on the throne and pinched the base of her nose. "Not only the damn bastard half-siren escaped Olissipo as a messenger announced me, YOU come and give me such news! I've already heard enough. This is a disaster!" But then she sighed. "Get out of my sight before I feed you to the giant anemones." She said calmly, apparently.

The guards turned their backs and swam away. But Morganna seemed to change her mind, as she suddenly clenched the Siren Trident in her hands and pointed it towards the guards screaming. A huge beam of some short of light came out of the 3 points of the trident and hit the mermaid guards.

2 clouds of blood appeared soon after and their armor fell on the floor. But Morganna didn't calm down. She screamed in bloody murder and started pointing the trident to other directions, destroying and obliterating more things that were just minding their business decorating the throne room of the palace.

Continuation of Chosen falls for a pirateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora