Between monsters, a conversation such as this had better to stay secret

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Where while Alter talks things out with his soulma-


Where while Alter talks things out with Tefra, Geno is almost about to escape, but the enemies are lurking around, once again stopping him from progressing to the mission and all hope seems lost for success.


No one's POV:

Alter searched his pockets and pulled out a small paper object. It was wrapping something like a little gummy stick. He looked at it from all sides and sighed dissapointed.

"You don't have to ever use it, you might never use it! But just in case, keep it. You can never know priest. Accept it just for me, I tell ya that it can genuinely help in a time of need."

The tall skeleton lit the one edge of the pipe with the edge of his finger, summoning a tiny flame. The pipe started making smoke. The skeleton brought the little object close to his mouth and seemed to inhale the smoke from it.

readers: Is Alter smoking?!

me: yesh.

readers: NOW we've seen it all.

me: foolish bambini. you've seen nothing yet. just you wait😈

"As much as I don't like it, the pain is already temporarily numbed. And sadly it has a... 'charming' taste. But I won't make a habit out of it." Alter thought and watched calmly as the soldiers were turning around the corner and spotting him. He inhaled one more time smoke.


"KILL HIM!" The commander of the team yelled.

"I ain't dying yet mister." The priest managed to stand up without feeling much pain and stomped his foot on the ground loudly, causing many of the human soldiers to fall down by the earthquake he caused.

He grunted quietly, as even with 2 inhales of smoke he still felt the sting travelling to his leg but stayed up. Quickly he looked at his soul. The cracks were 'patched up' by green aura, effects of the cigarette. He focused again on the humans and summoned a long bone in his hands.


"C'mon ya ol' frail body. Endure just for this time." Alter thought and gripped the bone tighter in his hands. He ran towards the soldiers, swinging the bone skillfully and knocking them off their feet. He was holding on very well. The battle didn't last for long however, but it wasn't because Alter or the humans managed to defeat 'their opponent'.

The priest caught a glimpse of a specific monster who had just entered the area.

He almost stopped dead on his tracks, as he looked at her, but still kept fighting any human coming at him.

Alter took one more deep 'sip' from his cigarette, threw it and stomped on it exactly the moment he was pushing back another human soldier with his bone-cane. Then he unsummoned the bone and ran towards Tefra fast. On his way he summoned walls of fire, seperating him from the soldiers.

"You will NOT hurt her again!" Pyros yelled as he saw too the tall skeleton running at the small female with crazy eyesockets.

He ran towards Alter, but the priest responded sharply by making the goat's soul blue and throwing him, kind of gently actually, out of the way. Tefra stood on guard ready to fight 'Guido' again, waiting for him to get close enough. Though deep inside still terrified.

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