epilogue pt. 2 - déjà vu

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"Hey, let's go first. Felix said he wants some things to be collected from his place and kept ready before everyone gets to the hotel for the party," I tell an exhausted Minho, who was lying against a chair. I didn't feel good about this plan of gaslighting him, but I had to get him out of here somehow.

"Huh? What hotel? Where are we going?" Minho suddenly snaps out of his (almost) deep slumber. I could tell that his wedding planner instincts were kicking in, and suddenly I didn't feel too great about disturbing him in the very few minutes of rest that he got the entire day.

I would've postponed the proposal for another day, but today of all days had to be a speical day for us; three years ago, on this very date, we got together as a fake couple— the event that started it all. This wasn't an anniversary that we usually celebrate, so maybe the date would be a little less predictable to him.

I have been planning on proposing today for a few months now, and I was stuck in a horrible dilemma when I found out that Felix and Hyunjin would be getting married on the same date. Initially, Felix felt bad because he knew how important today was for me, but it was the only date where both their schedules were clear. I knew there wouldn't be a plan which wouldn't have to be improvised, so I immediately tried to think of ways to fix it.

Fortunately enough, I was informed that all programs associated with the wedding would be over by seven in the evening, leaving me plenty of time to propose at night. This way, I wouldn't be stealing their spotlight either. No one would know.

"We need to get some stuff for Felix from his apartment. I thought you would've known?" I lie through my teeth. If Minho was fully conscious right now, I'm sure that he would've seen through it.

"No... I didn't realize. It's probably the fatigue kicking in. Let's get going," he says as he rubs his eyes, immediately on his feet although he was dead tired. I take his hand and we walk towards the parking lot.

"It's a bit of a long drive from here, Min. Get some rest while you can," I advise Minho, genuinely worried for him. He gets into the passenger seat and lazily smiles at me.

"Mm, I will," he mumbles, seemingly already  half asleep. I smile at the sight.

"Sleep tight, baby," I sigh, getting into the driver's seat. I've been anticipating this day for so long and now that it's finally here, I was starting to feel a bit nervous and scared. Deep inside I know that he'll say yes, but what if he doesn't? How was I going to deal with that?


My peaceful slumber was interrupted by giggles which could belong to none other than Han Jisung himself. I although I was somewhat completely asleep, I could feel him play with the strands of my hair, which was now pretty long. I shift in my seat a bit, and he retracts his hand.

"Why'd you stop?" I mumble, slowly waking up. I felt very comfortable under his touch. I couldn't see him clearly due to my vision being blurry, but I could tell he was scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry for disturbing you, you just looked so cute," he says sheepishly, making me smile. I rub my eyes and finally look at my surroundings. We were at a... beach?

Suddenly getting reminded of today's big wedding, I jolt up from my seat, completely awake.

"What are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to go to Felix's place? Or did you already go? How long have I been asleep for? What's the time?" I start panicking, and Jisung sighs.

"Relax, baby. Everything's alright and in place, don't you worry," he says with a warm smile, comfortingly rubbing my tense shoulders. The action makes me calm down as usual.

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