12. a chance encounter

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"What are you looking at?" Seungmin asks as he walks towards me, looking at the direction my eyes were going in. I had freshened up to go pick him up for dinner to catch up on nothing. Not like we weren't doing that everyday or something.

"I may be sleep deprived, but isn't that Jisung? What's he doing here?" I ask, pointing to the entrance of the JYP building. Felix and Changbin shortly appear from behind him so it was definitely him.

"Yeah. I know why he's here but I can't tell you," Seungmin says, looking around.

"Damn, what's the top secret that even your best friend can't know?"

"I'm literally under a contract to not disclose that information."

"Stop messing with me," I say, nudging his shoulder until I notice that he's not laughing and was actually being serious. "No way."

I let my curiosity take over and I walk towards them. Jisung looks at me like he's seen a ghost. Felix notices too and takes hold of his hand, which I won't lie made me very jealous. Why is he holding his hand? Why isn't that me?

"What are you doing here?" Changbin asks.

"Picking up a friend. You?" I ask back with every ounce of confidence in my body cause boy, that guy was intimidating.

"We're here to see our friend too," he replies, and I raise my eyebrows to show that I'm not convinced. Changbin turns to wave at someone inside, but I couldn't see who it was because of the reflection on the glass.

"Wooyoung. The receptionist."

"Dude what are you doing-" Seungmin says, dragging me back to my car.

"Did you see the way Felix took advantage of the situation to hold his hand? Ugh!" I hiss at him.

"You literally GAVE him the opportunity by showing up out of nowhere like that. Let's go."


It's been a whole day since I encountered Minho at JYPE and ever since then he's been ignoring me for some reason. He didn't talk to me at work at all today. I don't know why, but it was really ticking me off.

We were in the car on the way back home, only the sound of the wind blowing from the air conditioner audible. I decide to break the silence.

"Okay, can you please tell me why you've been ignoring me the entire day?" I say, clicking my tongue.

"You should know that," Minho replies, eyes till trained on the road. I may be on my man period, but I really didn't have the energy to deal with his bullshit right now.

"I didn't even do anything! Why are you being so moody?" I say, fully aware that I was being moody too.

"Why were you holding hands with Felix yesterday?" He replies, clenching his jaw and tightening his grip on the steering wheel. It's probably not be the right time or moment for this, but it may have been just a little hot.

"Why does that bother you?"

"I'm trying to help you with your relationship but you're ruining it on your own!" He bursts.

"Why are you so invested in this? I'll be the one taking the fall if something happens!" I yell back at him. He pulls over to the side at a bus stand. Shit. Pissing him off is not a good idea. He turns to me.

"Do you really not know or are you that oblivious?" He says, inching really close to my face. My heartbeat shoots up and I feel...butterflies in my stomach?

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