7. poor memory

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I got to work early today as I hadn't been able to sleep last night. I was over the moon that Jisung chose me, though it's not like we're dating for real. Obviously I tried not to let the happiness show to those who knew.

Changbin comes in, carrying some files from Chan's office to his desk. He gives me a stern look before he asking me to follow him. Neither of his friends were around and I couldn't figure out his motives, but I followed him nevertheless because I didn't want to fuck with a man whose big tiddies- er, I mean big muscles, scare me.

He leads me to the break room and stops in front of the coffee machine. He was going to make a cup of coffee for Chan.

"So, let's talk about yesterday."

I gulp. What did I do now?

"I can't believe you totally ruined Felix's opportunity to be with Jisung! Why do you always feel the need to take things away from people?"

I blink twice. Honestly, my heart hurt a little at that.
Was I really that bad?

I keep mum and let him continue talking.

"Look, I didn't wanna come to this, but Felix really likes Jisung. Can you like, I don't know, cut the act and give the poor guy a chance?" He changes his demeanor from a bold one and gives me a soft look. I look at my feet sheepishly as I mumble him a reply.

"Well... Felix isn't the only one who likes Jisung," I reply. I look up a bit to see his reaction, and when I tell you his eyes were as big as saucers, I mean it.

"You...? You like Jisung???"

Clearly, he was shocked. I nod my head, still feeling very embarrassed because I'm admitting this to someone who isn't even a close friend. Hell, I didn't even realize when I did tell my real close friends.

"Damn, I was NOT expecting that," he says, breaking into a sweat. "Well, I'll be off then. I need to get some work done," he says before leaving. I was grateful that he left because we just barely escaped an awkward conversation.

I walk back into the office, and a few minutes later Jisung makes his way inside too. Our act had to start at some point, so I thought why not now?

I smile at him. Not sarcastically, like my stupid self decided to keep as a "concept" around him.

Maybe this entire fake dating thing will help me get rid of that persona, and let me show my actual feelings towards him. If he gets suspicious, I could just play it off as a part of being his pretend boyfriend.


When I got to work the next day, I was met with an unbelievable sight: Minho was smiling at me, and a one that looked genuine at that. I was confused.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-shout at him. His smile drops and he rolls his eyes.

"Do you happen to remember that you found a solution to your boyfriend problem sometime in the last twenty-four hours?" He raises his eyebrows and asks. My eyes widen as my mind is refreshed with yesterday's events.

"Sorry, that must be my memory loss kicking in. My bad," I shrug, seating myself at my desk, which is located opposite Minho's.

"So, who am I editing today to make look absolutely fantabulous?" I ask out loud, although I was pretty sure no one would reply.

"Me," Minho replies jokingly, dampening my spirit for a split second, but then I remember about our act. Now was the perfect time to bring out my self-proclaimed jaw-dropping rizz in public, as much as I hated that I was using it on Minho.

"Aw, you don't need any editing to be gorgeous. You already have it all natural!" I reply to him loud and clear, overdoing my bit on the facial expressions department. He widens his eyes before he getting shy, and giggles softly. If I was a spectator, I would so totally buy his act because damn, he's good at this.

HOWEVER. You will never catch me complimenting him to his face because it'll probably just boost that fat ego of his.

I hear a few people whisper among themselves about what I just said, so things were going just as I hoped. Pretty satisfied with our progress in just a few minutes of being here, I decide to shift my focus back to work again. I planned on working overtime till I got to working on Ryujin's album since I won't be around much then. Chan insisted on not doing it since I'll be focusing on a really big project instead, but I didn't want to feel useless here.

Changbin had sent me a fresh set of pictures of Felix and Yeonjun from last week which needed a little touching up, and I thought of getting started on that first since we have to make the layout for the print ready within the next five days. I must admit, Minho is a darn good photographer (again, I will never tell that to his face).


When Jisung fake flirted with me in front of our colleagues, I accidentally let my real emotions show and GIGGLED. It's the 21st century, for God's sake, who the hell reacts like that???

Jisung seemed pretty satisfied with my reaction though, and then I remembered I could react in any way I want and call it "good acting" if he gets suspicious.

I smirk. I am so going to take advantage of this and act however the hell I want.

I check my schedule for the day, only to see that it was pretty clear. I only have a photoshoot later in the evening, so I could either find extra work, or sit back and sketch like I always do when I'm free. I opt for the latter, taking out a brown hardback book from my locked desk drawer.

However, I have an embarrassing confession to make. That book, is solely dedicated to my sketches of Jisung. The focus and concentration he puts in while working makes him somewhat more attractive, and it makes my hands itch to draw him in his element. 

But alas, my bitchass has to ruin everything. If I was nice to him from the beginning maybe I'd have him voluntarily pose for me. His side profile especially, was my most favorite thing to draw. There's no side profile quite like his.


After entertaining myself with art, lunchtime finally came. I took my lunch, specially homemade for me by the BEST MOTHER EVER, and walk towards Jisung. I grab one of those wheelie chairs nearby, whatever you call those, and roll it towards his desk. He looks up at me, confused.

Is his memory really that bad?

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