21. cowboys and versace

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I was on my way to my parents' place, which is pretty far away from work. My mom called me, and she sounded DEAD serious when she said she needed me home as soon as possible. I wasn't that worried because I didn't think I messed up anything, but sitting alone in this car for a while made me think otherwise. I suddenly had an epiphany.

"Did she find out that Jisung and I are dating?" I ask myself out loud. "Wait, no. She can't be mad at me for that. She already knows I like Jisung! If anything, she'd be happy for me!" I tried to be rational, but I found that I was already at the front gate to the house before I could make up my mind.

"I've been expecting you. Come in," my mom says in a monotonous voice, opening the entrance door the very moment I step out of the car. I stop in my tracks. Why is she talking so weirdly? Is she okay?

I enter my house after leaving my shoes outside, only to find that my dad was there too. Why was he here at this time of the day?

"Minho..." they tell at the same time, soon after I took my seat. With the suspense they were creating, I couldn't even tell where they were going with this.

"We saw the pictures online, the ones of you and Jisung," my mom says and I let out a sigh of relief. That was all? I think I could defend myself if they were against it.

"We just wanna say..." my dad says in a suspenseful tone yet again, "Congratulations, son! You finally got the man of you dreams!" My mom says loudly and hugs me as my dad pats my back. I cough extra loudly.

"Stop, PLEASE," I say, my voice barely audible because I was squished between my two parents. Don't me wrong, I love them and all, but this was kind of embarassing. They kind of overdid the "celebrations".


By late evening, I decided to take my leave. This time, I would be bringing my three cats— Soonie, Doongi and Dori— home with me. After getting everything sorted and packed up, I bid my parents goodbye. I spent a good time with them today, which is definitely what I meant by family emergency when I abruptly left work today.

While driving back home, I realize something: Jisung doesn't have anyone to drop him home, it was already pretty late. I panic and take out my phone, my hands automatically going to the 'favorites' option in my contacts. The phone phone rings four times before he picks up.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks me as soon as I pick up the call.

"Nothing much, just wanted to know if you're home. I'm sorry for not letting you know earlier that I can't pick you up," I reply, to which he responds with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I am home. I figured you wouldn't be coming back here, so I asked Changbin if he could do me a favour and drop me home," he says and I sigh in relief. "Where are you, by the way? Everything okay at home?"

I update him on that happened, leaving out the part where my parents got all dramatic about me dating "the boy of my dreams" because, let's face it, it's embarassing for the both of us. I wish him a good night before hanging up.


It was the last working day of the week AND also my favorite day, Friday. Minho asked me on a date for Sunday and honestly, that was the only thing on my mind. I know that up till last week we were somewhat like Tom and Jerry, but now that we're an actual couple, I permanently have romantic thoughts in my head. Yes, fantasizing has become my lifestyle now.

"Jisung, hello? Earth to Jisung!" Felix moves his hands up and down in front of my eyes. I snap out of my daze, only to find him in a... cowboy outfit.

"How's the look?" He twirls and asks me, as I notice Changbin approach us from behind. He was also sporting a confused look.

"You look good as usual, but is this for a photoshoot? I didn't know we were having one today," I reply to him, still a little confused about his get-up.

"Nope! I just liked it so I decided to wear it," he says with a wide smile on his face. This wasn't the Felix I knew. Changbin finally joins the conversation.

"Are you sure you're not wearing this because Hyunjin's into cowboys and stuff?" He asks and Felix goes dead silent. Changbin and I share a second of eye-contact before saying the same thing together.

"No fucking way..."

"Guys, it's not like that! Don't tease me!" Felix whines as the two of us lose our shit at the thought of Hyunjin being into cowboys. That man only looked expensive on the outside.

"Hey Minho, did you know Hyunjin was into this stuff?" Changbin asks the said person, and my smile immediately drops. I keep forgetting that those two were together once upon a time. Minho notices my change in expression from across the table.

"I did," he states simply, causing the three of us to gasp. We didn't even bother considering the fact that our colleagues around us could potentially overhear us.

"But I never really acted on it, I didn't wanna look like I was trying too hard. You do you, though, Felix. Don't listen to your idiot friends. Walk up to him with the sass and pizazz like how you came into work today!" Minho advises Felix, giving him a boost of confidence. He smiles at Minho, before turning his head to us.

"You guys should learn a thing or two from him and be more supportive," Felix says dramatically before leaving the room. Minho looks at me and smirks, fully aware that I was jealous because he talked about his past relationship with Hyunjin.

"Follow me, sweetheart," he says casually as he gets up from his seat, the nickname causing me to feel the chaos of thousands of butterflies in my stomach. Changbin, who was standing next to me and witnessing this unfold, rolls his eyes and goes back to work, muttering "I need more single friends". I get up and follow Minho, realizing that it was our lunch time.

"I know it's been on your mind all this time so I wanna ask, where do you really wanna go for our first date? I had something in mind, but I thought I'll ask you before going ahead with it," he tells me and I smile. I wasn't expecting him to be this considerate.

"I don't know, I never really thought about that," I say, ignoring the first part of his sentence. "Surprise me," I say, adding an unnecessary wink. He chuckles.

"Amusement park it is."


Changbin, Felix and I decided that Saturday would be our bros day out, as we hadn't hung out together since all our relationship drama happened. Besides, Felix wanted to show us this big advertisement for Versace which he modeled for, which would be there at the mall we planned on going to.

"First things first, I wanna see Lix's ad. Where are we supposed to find Versace in this big ass mall?" I announce, completely forgetting about the mall guide. Changbin bonks my head with one before he goes in search of the said shop. I wince in pain.

"It says to go southwest and then walk straight, where we'll find a lift which will take us two floors up. Then we walk east from there and-" Changbin goes on blabbering nonsense while Felix and I just looked lost.

"For the love of God, do NOT talk in geography terms. We're gay so we can't understand what you're saying," I speak on behalf of myself and Felix, who gives a supportive nod. Changbin sighs.

"So am I but do you see me using it as an excuse for being stupid? You've said the same thing about maths and history, too!" He exclaims, making the two of us roll our eyes.

"Shut up, you big secretary man," Felix scoffs, turning away dramatically. I follow suit, only to realize we didn't even know where Versace was. I hear Changbin snicker from behind us.

"As if you guys were gonna find your way there on your own," he says arrogantly, making Felix and I scoff at his behavior. We follow him upstairs, that being the only direction we understood earlier.

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