5. blind date

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"Is there any way to skip this date?" I sigh as Yunjin props herself up on my bed to check my outfit.

"Are you going on a date or to a golf course? I know you don't wanna go, but you can at least make a good impression by dressing decently."

"This is a date, not Project Runway. This is the fourth outfit that you've said no to. You can choose from my closet, I'll accept that my tastes are not very 'material girl' or whatever you call it."

She laughs at my miserable condition and skims through hangers, searching for something. "I'd burn all my clothes if I were you. What is with your fashion sense?" She says, looking at me with genuine concern.

"What's with your marinated chicken ass looking hair?" I sass back, talking about her hair which she had just chopped off till the length of her shoulder and dyed a color that eerily resembled flamin' hot Cheetos.

"How dare you-" she growls, pulling out the hangers of my clothes and throwing them at me.

"Hey, you're gonna keep these back!" I yell at at her, pointing at all the clothes that lay sprawled across my bedroom floor.

I try to form a human shield for myself with my body but damn, those hangers stung. Note to self: never mess with Yunjin when she's on her period.

"Alright sorry, let's just stop and hug it out?" I finally say, surrendering to Yunjin's hanger attacks. Why did being a big brother always have to make me the bigger person as well? I also want to be childish sometimes.

"Ew, no," she says, but she still hugs back when I wrap my arms around her in an awkward hug.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll just choose something quickly, or else you'll be late," she sighs and returns to my closet. She pulls out a red satin dress shirt with bishop sleeves and a scarf attached to it at the neck.

"Woah, I haven't worn this since Chan's wedding. I like it, but don't you think it's too fancy?"

"Hun, you can never be underdressed to a date," Yunjin says as I put the shirt on and she ties the scarf into a neat bow. She ties it too tight on purpose, making me choke while talking to her. I snap at her and she giggles, loosening it and tying it again properly.


I wait outside Seungmin's place for him to get ready to go to the mall. His girlfriend's birthday was coming soon and he wanted help in choosing something to buy for her.

I notice that Jisung is at home. There's a red-haired girl with him but her back is turned to the window. I watch as he fights with the girl, makes up after a while and laughs about something with her.

"Don't worry, that's just his sister. She changed her hair yesterday," Seungmin says, popping out of nowhere.

"Oh," I say, in somewhat relief. "Wait, why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know your overthinking ass will be under the impression that he has a girlfriend and you won't have a chance with him or whatever. In the end, I'll be the one who has to hear all of your whining."

"...have a chance with him? What do you mean? How would you know that?" I ask, wondering where he started saying this from.

"Of course you don't remember. You told us that you have feelings for Jisung at the bar the other day, dummy," he says and I almost drop my car keys into the gutter below.

"I what???" I seriously have a loose mouth when I'm drunk. How much more shit have I told them under the influence?

"Yes you did and it's not even surprising. Let's get going, we're already late." Wonder struck, I start the engine.


I enter the expensive looking restaurant, searching for a receptionist to ask about the reservation. I don't understand why our parents decided to waste so much effort on a nice place for a relationship that has a 99.9% chance of not being successful.

"Table for two under the name...Yang Jeongin?" I read the name from my phone to the lady at the reception desk.

"That would be me," someone taps on my shoulder, offering me a charming smile. He was slightly taller than me, with platinum blonde hair and fox eyes. He definitely had some eye catching features.

If only he had an eye catching personality.

The whole date was a disaster, which was the nicest way I could put it. He kept getting phone calls from work that all we got to do was tell each our our names and ages. Halfway through I got fed up and paid the bill and left.

One thing was certain now. If I couldn't get a real boyfriend quickly, I'd need a fake one.


Changbin and I were sitting in the break room waiting for Jisung to come to work. He said he'll get us all coffee so he'd be running a little late. In the little amount of time alone I had with Changbin, I decided to confide in something I've been keeping to myself for a while.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Of course! What's the matter?" Changbin replies, looking really concerned as if I was about to tell him I'm suffering from some terminal illness.

"Ah, it's kind of silly, really. The thing is...I like Jisung. I know there's no point to it, but I really needed to get it off my chest." There. I finally said it out loud.

A moment of silence follows. "Wait, really? OMG-"

"ONE ICED AMERICANO FOR LIXIE BOI AND A CARAMEL FRAPPUCCINO FOR BINNIE AND A LARGE SLICE OF CHEESECAKE FOR MYSELF WHATS UUUUUP!" Jisung's loud voice interrupts us. We quickly scramble back to our seats, pretending to be completely normal.

"You look happy. Something good happened yesterday?" Changbin asks him.

"Quite the opposite, actually. I had a horrible blind date last night which my parents set me up on. After Minho did his boyfriend act the other day, my parents suddenly decided that all I needed was a boyfriend to get them off my back for that award. I'm not getting a real one anytime soon, but I could get a fake one. The question is, where am I going to find one?" He rambles, and all I could think about was me with him. It was way too delusional to be true, but nothing goes in just imagining, does it?

"I could be your boyfriend."

because | minsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora