11. first meeting

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"He's HEREEEEEEE!~" One of the employees run into the office, screaming the words in a singsong voice.

Hyunjin walks into the room and I don't lie when I say that literally everyone had their jaws on the floor. Versace from head to toe, that guy was dripping with wealth. And his looks? Don't even get me started on them.

"Damn, even all our camera skills combined wouldn't do justice to his beauty on screen. He's so ethereal up close!" I have a fanboy moment and Minho rolls his eyes.

"Hey, just because you unstanned him doesn't mean you can dampen our spirits, okay? We have to be professional."

"Yeah, it's definitely professional to freak out over your client's looks," he says, raising a brow.

"Shut up."


"Okay, so we'll be doing some ice breaker activities today! We'll be starting off with trivia in pairs. You'll choose from chits in this bag right here and you pair up with whoever gets the same number as you. Let's start!" Seonghwa announces as everyone scrambles to get a chit.

We go through the numbers one by one and to my glee Minho and Changbin get paired up. I internally chuckle at how uncomfortable he looked so close to Changbin.

"Okay...number 28?" Seonghwa announces, and I raise my hand. I look around for the other person who got the same number and holy cow did I almost lose my shit.

Hwang Hyunjin.

Hwang. Fucking. Hyunjin. Is my partner. Am I really having my y/n moment right now?

I squeal internally as I make my way over to him. I was gonna win this game fair and square.

"I'm a huge fan, it's so nice to meet you! You look WAY cooler in person," I say, wiping my hands on my trousers before sticking it out for a handshake. He takes it with a smile. I'm never washing my hands again.

Throughout the game we continued to talk and laugh with each other. We both turned out to have the same competitive spirit when it came to games and we were honestly really smashing it. We fist bump when we make it to the semi-finals, and I find it strange how quickly I became comfortable with him as if he was my close friend.

We were up against Minho and Changbin, so it was going to be a tight competition.

"Okay...which is the food item that never goes bad?"

Hyunjin and I look at each other expectantly, waiting for the other to shout out the answer.

"HONEY!" Changbin's loud voice booms throughout the room. I sit there, still clueless about the answer. Not like I could have guessed that anyways.

"Alright, we have a winner!" Seonghwa says, clapping for them. The rest of us join in and cheer, although I felt a bit sour about losing by one point. We were so close.

"Hey, I think we did pretty well! We made it to the final round, didn't we?" Hyunjin says, giving me a high five. I smile the biggest smile I've smiled, because who wouldn't if their idol was initiating physical contact? Okay wait, that makes me sound like a weirdo.


"Today was such an exhausting day," I say as I gets into the driver's seat.

"Maybe it's because you lost," Minho pokes fun at me.

"Bitch you only answered like, ONE question! Changbin carried the whole game!" He had better been thankful that Changbin actually had some brains.

"Whatever, let's go."

Once I drop off Minho, I head home for a quick shower and change of clothes. I was going to meet Ryujin, and I definitely felt like God's favorite for being able to talk to two people I admire today.

I pick up Felix and Changbin on the way, simply because I wanted some company and they had nothing better to do anyways.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to meet THE Shin Ryujin today! What if we run into Hyunjin too? I'm jealous I had to miss the chance to see him back at the studio!" Felix rambles on in excitement as we step into the towering structure of JYP Entertainment.

"Yo, watch this," Changbin suddenly says. "Hey Bixby, show me the directions to the recording studio," he speaks into his phone. We look at his phone expectantly, only for it to start beatboxing out of nowhere.


"Show off," Changbin says, rolling his eyes at his phone which failed to listen to him. I laugh at his expression.

We're welcomed to the place by a friendly receptionist, whose name tag read Wooyoung. We get our visitors passes after making some calls and we finally make our way to the
studio. I lightly knock on the door which clicks open to reveal Ryujin. I let out a soft gasp, and Felix brings his hand to his mouth in shock.

"What're you guys standing there and waiting for? Come on in!" She ushers us inside, where we seat ourselves on cushioned black leather sofas. The studio was huge and they had all the really good quality equipment. Well, who am I kidding? JYPE is home to some of the biggest artists in the country.

"This is...?" Ryujin looks in confusion at Felix, who gets taken aback and leaps forward to give a handshake. "I'm Felix," he says with a bright smile. "I just tagged along with him since I didn't have much else to do, if you don't mind. I'm a huge fan and it's such an honour to meet you!"

Only then do I realize that Changbin is missing. Where did he disappear off to? Wait, I almost forgot to introduce myself! How could I?

I stand up and stick out my hand. "I'm Han Jisung. It's a dream come true to even be standing here with you. I hope we make a fire debut together!" I probably sound overly enthusiastic but I couldn't help the excitement and nervous jitters. Ryujin introduces herself as well and we get talking.

"Okay, so we just got back from tour last night and I'm still tired, so today I'll just give you a look around the building to familiarize yourself. Sounds good?"

We tour around the place, with Ryujin explaining what each of the rooms were used for and some fun stories from her trainee days.

"And this is the trainee's practice room!" She says, opening the door to reveal a bizarre sight.

Standing before us were the trainee's practicing 'Talk That Talk' by Twice, which was fine until we realized that Changbin was the one in the front.

"What the-" Felix says. No one even noticed that we walked into the room. Even the guy in the side who I assumed to be the choreographer was mesmerized by Changbin's moves. Why didn't I know my best friend could dance?

"Come on Lily, shake what your mama gave you! We're dancing to Twice, not a funeral prayer!" He encourages one of the girls near him as he moves his hips.

"Uhm...SEO CHANGBIN???" I finally burst out. He turns around and so does the trainees. They quickly bow to Ryujin when they spot her.

"Can you stop embarrassing me and yourself?" I whisper-hiss at him.

"Come on, it's fun! Let me tell you, these girls really can't dance. I can help them!"

"My ass you will help them. What were you even doing? We lost you halfway here."

"I lost my way, but then I thought I might as well look around in that time," he says and I look at him like it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, knowing very well that I've said much more rubbish in my entire life.

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