"Good. There's enough lamp oil to cover every window and floor except in the Commander's chamber," Bellamy said.

"Then that's where the fighting stars. We'll dig in there," Pike told him.

Pike leaves and Bryan limps after him. Bellamy puts a hand on his sister's shoulder, "O, be careful"

Octavia looks at Bellamy and then leaves to walk to Jaycee. She pulled her into a hug. "If I see Lily, I promise I will knock her out so nothing happens to her," Jay pulled back from Octavia, she nodded at her, "Thank you," She mumbled.

Octavia leaves.

Abby finally finished hooking up Clarke and Ontari, "We're all set" She looked at her daughter, "Okay, you ready?"

Clarke nodded.

Abby turns the switch that starts Clarke's blood flowing through the tube into Ontari. Then she does the same with Ontari, and black Nightblood blood flows into Clarke.

Bellamy smiled a little at Clarke, "Hey, try doing that handing upside down" Bellamy told her as he remembered himself like that when he was in Mount Weather,"

Clarke smiled slightly and nodded at Bellamy.

She turned to her mom and told her she was fine, and that this plan would work. Abby was scared, she didn't want her only daughter to die, she asked what would happen if it didn't work, Murphy being Murphy said something that he shouldn't have.

"If it doesn't work then she dies. If she doesn't try, then she dies with the rest of us when the climbers get here. If we're gonna do this I'm going to need the Flame" Jaycee looked at him and punched his arm and he winced.

"Damn Jordan, I forgot how hard you're punches are," He smirked

She was going to do it once more but he moved away before she got the chance.

Abby didn't like that Murphy was going near his daughter but Clarke looked at her mom.

"Mom, please. He knows what he's doing." You have to let me go," Abby nodded at her daughter.

Clarke looked at Jaycee, "Jay," She looked at Clarke.

"Don't worry, I'll save her," Clarke promised.

Jaycee did nothing but look at her and nod. She was just hoping that Lily didn't need saving.

Murphy takes the Flame from Clarke's hand. He then gets behind her.

"Lean forward," Murphy told her.

Clarke holds on to Bellamy's hand as Jay stands afar, waiting for chipped people to come in if they do.

"You ready?" Murphy asked.

"Do it," She told him.

"Ascende superious," Murphy spoke.

The Flame shoots out tendrils, and Murphy puts it near the nape of Clarke's neck. It buries itself under her skin. Clarke yells in pain and goes unconscious.

Bellamy looked at her, "Is she okay?" he asked Abby.

Abby checked on Clarke, "Her heart's racing," She looked at Murphy, "Get that thing out of her head!" She shouted.

Murphy shook his head no.

Abby got angry, "I said, get that thing out of her head!" She screamed once more.

Clarke started to wake up, "No, no, not yet," She winced.

"Are you in any pain?" Abby asked her daughter.

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