Three Months

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It had been three months since Mount Weather, three months since Clarke had left, two months since she found out she had Aplastic Anemia, a month since Jasper told everyone, a month since she and Bellamy broke it off because he couldn't handle how she lied to him. Jaycee ended up staying with Raven, she was the only person who understood Jaycee, with her leg and all.

Every day was the same for Jaycee after Kane and Abby found out she wasn't taking it easy. No more runs, no more sneaking to see her grounder friend, no more guarding.

When Abby and Kane found out, she had to tell Lincoln about Nova, she had begged him to go meet with her and tell her she couldn't see her anymore because she was not allowed out of the camp. Being a good friend that Lincoln was, he did do that.

Jaycee was grateful for Lincoln, he was one of the people who didn't treat her differently because of her sickness. He and some others, like Raven, Monty, and Octavia. She hadn't spoken to Bellamy since the breakup. It was tearing her apart, she wanted to clear things with him, but he was uninterested. He also had gotten with someone named Gina, Jaycee was upset but she wasn't going to say anything because they had broken up, she did catch her staring at the two, and she was very heartbroken. Did she miss Bellamy? Yes. Did she lie to him? Yes. Did he also lie to her? Yes. He did.

She just gave up at a certain point.

Jaycee's routine was, to wake up, check in with Abby once a week, go to the mechanic room with Raven and Wick, solve problems, break, go back to work for a couple of hours, have dinner, and then go back to the room she shared with Raven.

Jaycee was getting tired of doing the same thing every day, she wanted to go out, she needed to go out. She didn't care what her condition meant. She didn't care about the stares she was getting. She just wanted to be treated like a normal person again.

Another thing was that Jasper hadn't spoken to her since he yelled at her, she was angry with him still, and he was angry at her still. He had no right to do that to her.


Jaycee was told by Octavia that she was going outside the walls. The day before Octavia and Jay both went into the chancellor's office, begging Kane to let her go, she had been taking her meds, she'd been taking it easy, she hadn't been outside the walls in over a month, she just wanted a little freedom. After begging Kane, for hours, he finally said yes, as long as Octavia and Monty would watch out for her.

Jaycee and Octavia smiled and walked out before he could change his mind. Octavia then spoke, "Hey, you know Bellamy is going on this sector 7 run right? I know that things have been heated since you two broke up," Octavia said worried about what her friend might say.

She kept walking as she responded, "Tavia, there are more things to worry about than a stupid breakup, I mean, maybe it was for the better, we're just too different I guess," She continued to walk as Octavia was thinking, they were practically the same, everything about them, was the same, they are perfect for each other.

Jaycee saw Monty and Miller in the Hangar, they were getting ready for the scouting mission. "Hey Jay, you taggin' along on this awesome journey?" Miller asked her as he smiled.

"Yes, I am in the clear, you can ask Kane, he granted permission, I am so ready to get out of these god-forsaken walls," Jaycee said. 

Monty, Miller, and her laughed.

Jaycee caught a small glance at Jasper, she then looked at Monty, "How's he been?" She whispered.

"Not good, ever since Maya, found out you were sick, he's been a mess, maybe you should talk to him, I feel like you're the only one who can get to him," Monty replied with a whisper.

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