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Two months have passed since Mount Weather. A recap of what's been happening is that Jaycee has been learning some more Trigedasleng with Lincoln and Octavia.

Jaycee and Bellamy never told them or anyone else about Nova because Jaycee wanted to protect her.

There were still others who didn't like grounders and didn't trust them, and she didn't want to put Nova in any danger.

Jaycee was between working with Raven and Wick and training with Octavia and Lincoln.

Jaycee did talk with Jasper a couple of days after her discharge with Abby. It didn't go so well. Jasper was upset because of Maya. Jaycee would try and be there for her brother but he would simply push her away saying she didn't know what it felt like to lose someone she loved.

But that's not true. She did lose someone she loved. She lost her mother, Jaycee knew it wasn't the same as losing your soulmate but it was almost similar.

After that, they didn't speak to each other. Jaycee would try but he would still be stubborn and not talk to anyone.

She and Monty were still close. There was a time when Jaycee stayed in Monty's room so they could talk about what they should do about Jasper. Jaycee knew that Jasper was getting worse. But she truly did want to help him.

He was her only family left.


With Nova

Nova would always go out to meet Jaycee and Bellamy, she grew very fond of Jaycee but Bellamy was a different story.

She was on her way back when someone had pulled her aside.

It was a much older woman. Maybe 20 years old.
"Wer yu don Yu been sneak ig off seintaim?!" (Where have you been sneaking off to?!) the girl asked Nova.

Nova looked up at the girl.

"os hunting, ban op Ai alone." (Just hunting, leave me alone) the smaller grounder said.

The older grounder didn't buy her story. "sha? Yu didm't cacto en Yu al ways cacto sumting. Tel Ai tru th!" (Yeah? You didn't catch anything, you always catch something! Tell me the truth!)

Nova knew she was caught too she ended up telling the older grounder everything about what she'd been doing and who she had been meeting.


It was the next morning after Bellamy got hit by a pine cone.

Jaycee had been living with Bellamy for over a month now. Bellamy insisted since they were always together at night and Jaycee leaving in the morning was always annoying for the both of them.

So she moved in. Everyone now knew about the two of them, some questioned it, others thought it was sweet, some thought Jaycee was too good for Bellamy but she shrugged it off since she really did love Bellamy.

The alarm went off at 7 in the morning and Jaycee groaned. She tried to hit the snooze button but it didn't work. She then grabbed her shoe that was near her and threw it at the clock. It worked. It shut off.

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