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After a couple of hours, Raven and Jaycee were still sitting on the beds they were on, Jaycee was able to stand up, she just needed to hold on to something so she wouldn't fall. Abby suggested crutches, but Jaycee declined, she wanted Raven to have them since it was the only pair they had, plus Jaycee knew her condition was better than Raven's.

"Need help?" Jaycee asked, "No, I got this," Raven continued to grunt, and pound on her leg, "Hey, Reyes, don't beat yourself up about this, you're trying and that's all that matters," Jaycee told the girl.

Someone walked in.

"Reyes, there you are," Sinclair had said.

Raven looked at him, "Yes, sir," she said as she was trying to fix herself. "Dr. Griffin cleared you for work, how's your leg?" Sinclair asked.

"It's not a factor, what's the job?" Raven asked while panting still, Jaycee shook her head, she knew Raven had to take it easy but she was pushing herself.

"I need you and" He looked at Jaycee, "I'm sorry, I don't know your name," Sinclair asked as he looked at Jaycee, "Oh um, Jordan, Jaycee Jordan," Sinclair smiled, "As in Jasper Jordan's sibling?"Jaycee just nodded, "Nice to meet you, I've heard that you are quite the mechanic," He said as he looked at Raven and then back to Jaycee, "Yes, uh sir, my brother, and Monty brought me books about everything when I was locked up on the Ark,"

Sinclair smiled, "That's amazing, well, I need you and Reyes to build a radio beacon, If the other Ark stations have survivors, we need to know it," He said as he looked at both teens. Raven nodded as she said, "We're on it,"

Sinclair nodded, "Ok, report to engineering and we'll get you both started," "Roger that," Raven told the older man.

Sinclair noticed that Raven was struggling with her crutches so he helped her. Jaycee smiled sadly, "Thank you, sir," Sinclair nodded and smiled.


It took them a while but they were finally in engineering, looking for spare pieces to build the radio beacon, Jaycee was out of sight since she was looking somewhere else but Raven was in sight, she was seen by Wick, and that is when he spoke up, "What the hell are you doing in here, wrench monkey?" He had asked the Reyes girl. He sounded funny since he inhaled helium.

"Helium, Wick? Really? Ark welders aren't toys." She said to him as she rolled her eyes and walked up to him. "Come on, Reyes. You got to enjoy life," He replied to her. "You enjoy enough for everybody, so, still dreaming up designs the rest of us will have to fix?"

Wick scoffed, "Hey, my designs are elegant," Raven chuckled, "If only they were realistic," She whispered, as Wick scoffed again, she then spoke out, "Welp, it's been real, but we have a beacon to work on," Raven said as she was making her way back to the area she was at, "Who's we?" That's when Jaycee walked up to them with some spare parts in her hands. "Hey, I found some but not all parts we need," Jaycee said as she looked at Wick, "Hi, Jaycee," She took her hand out for Wick to shake.

Wick was just staring at the girl, "Um, Wick," He shook her hand, then let go slowly, "Um okay," Raven scoffed at Wick, "Yeah, c'mon Jaycee, we have a beacon to work on," Wick shook his head, finally getting out of his daydreaming, "In that case, welcome to my party. Schematics are over here on the bench," He said as he walked to the bench.

Raven was shocked, "you already designed it?" She asked as she walked next to him, "Yep... We're using parts we salvage from the station's debris field." He replied to the girl as he gave her the remote.

"Obviously," she said as looked at the remote. He then remembered something, "Oh, also, I have a little something for you," He said as he walked to grab it. He then showed her a brace he made for Raven. "Aw, that's sweet of you," Jaycee said to him, Wick just smiled at the girl, then looked back at Raven. She had hit the brace slightly and started to walk away as she said, "What a piece of crap," She said as she looked at him. Jaycee's eyes opened wide but decided to stay out of the conversation.

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