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Jaycee was getting tired of sitting, waiting in the rover for anything to happen. "How long do we need to be here for? Maybe they left."

"Right, it's been three hours. Even if they were still out there, what are the waiting for?" Bellamy said, backing up Jaycee's statement.

"I say we make a run for it," Monty suggested.

"No. That's what they want us to do." Kane told the three.

"The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can," Indra said, looking out the window

Kane sighed, "Okay, Bellamy. You get in the turret, and you cover us. Once we get to the ridge over there, we'll cover you." Kane told them the plan.

"Copy that, run fast." Bellamy then stood up in the turret, before he could do anything, a masked figure has a knife to his neck," Jaycee looked up and mumbled, shit.

"They're here." Bellamy told them.

"Everybody out or the boy dies!" The masked person yelled at all of them.

No one moved yet, but then the people had dragged Bellamy out.

"Hey, hey, hey! Okay! We're coming out. Don't hurt him." Kane yelled out.

Kane opens the door, Monty opened his door too, Kane and Indra get out. So does Monty.

They were all pulled out of the Rover. Jaycee wanted to make sure she planned this correctly. She made sure she was quiet. She looked up, hopped out where the turret is and the then kicked the person who was holding Kane to the ground. She would have helped Indra, but soon enough. She was hit in the back of the head, causing her to fall on her knees, someone had tied her wrist behind her back.

They had then held her in a choke hold, she could barely breath, "Hey! Let her go!" Someone had yelled but she couldn't hear who it was. Her eyes started to roll back, soon, she regained her breathing, she was let go. She started to cough roughly as on hand was on her neck and the other was placed on the ground so she wouldn't fall forward.

Someone had put a hand on her back, she was still coughing but once she was able to breathe again, she looked to her left and saw none other than Bellamy Blake. She didn't expect him to be by her side.

"You, okay?" Bellamy asked with a worried tone, she looked up at him, stood up, then walked next to Indra, she looked at the girl but didn't say anything.


As Monty and his mother hugged, Kane and Pike embraced.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you." Pike smiled.

"We didn't think you made it," Kane spoke to him.

"Lacroix, Smith, watch out six." Pike said to them.

"Everyone else, I said stand down." Everyone looked at him, and they did as he said.

"How many of you are there?" Kane asked.

"Sixty-three. The rest are camped in the mountains north of here. Grounder killers one and all, am I right?" Pike smiled.

Everyone that was with Pike yelled out 'Hoo-rah.'

Jaycee just stood there, Indra was right next to her, she didn't seem to like Pike at all. Neither did Jaycee, there was a time when Octavia told Jaycee about her first time in a class, someone named Pike, had beat the living hell out of Murphy. She never knew why.

"Hate to cut this short. We've got to find Clarke." Bellamy told them.

"Clarke Griffin? If only all my earth skills students were as good as her," he said fondly. Not knowing she had changed a lot over the time being here.

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