The 100 + 1

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Jaycee always had the same routine every morning when she woke up,: wake up, stretch, mark a tally for how long she's been in the stinking sky box, wait for the guards to bring her food, read the book the Jasper have given her when he last visited, then sleep. It repeated over and over again for 1,460 days, or 4 years as most people would say.

Jaycee has been locked up since she was 14, two weeks after her birthday the guards did a surprise inspection for everyone in her section of the Ark. She was just reading and then they opened the door.

She got scared and tried to run but there was 4 of them, she ended up having to go to trial and they found her guilty for being a second child. Her mother got floated and her father blames her for her mother's death.

Jasper has been visiting Jaycee everyday after his classes, he would always bring up how sorry he is how he wishes that they can switch places. The last visit Jasper had brought Jaycee a journal to write her feelings and also a book about mythology so she can have something to occupy herself.

That was 2 years ago. Jaycee is now 18, well in a day, she prepares herself for the worst thing, to get floated. She has been preparing herself for this for about a month now and she's ready.

She hasn't seen Jasper or Monty ever since and she has gotten sad because she feels like they don't visit anymore is because they don't care about her.

She did her same routine until something changed...

She was reading her mythology book on her very rough bed when 2 guards came in. "Prisoner 573, stand up and stand next to the wall" she looks at them confused, "what's going on? I don't turn 18 till tomorrow. You shouldn't be here" the guards just looks at her "things have changed, now do as I said" She gets nervous then does as he says. But when they least expect it, she pushes them away and makes a break for the door.

As she is running she is getting yelled at by them telling her to "stop!" But she didn't listen, as she was running she saw a bunch of other delinquents fighting other guards and she was confused. She ended up stopping and not realizing the guards had caught up with her, they shocked her and she screaming until she passed out.

The guards were taking her taking her to the drop ship while passed out, they then threw her on the chair and tied her up. "Hey! What did you do to her?" Says a delinquent. They just ignore her. "Hey! What did you do?!" She repeats herself but once they tie Jaycee to the chair they just walk away.

The girl just looks at Jaycee and wonders who she is, she hasn't seen her in any of the classes she was in during her time in the sky box. As she was thinking the drop ship was shaking, she noticed this and was immediately looking around to see if anyone was saying anything.

The shaking caused Jaycee to wake up and grunt in pain. "Where the hell am I?" She said. "Seems like a drop ship, I think they're sending us to the ground." Says the delinquent from earlier. "Names Octavia, how come I've never seen you?" She asked Jaycee. "Locked up since I was 14, never went to the classes because they didn't let me for some damn reason. Who cares, they can go float themselves" Jaycee said. Octavia just smiled at her.

Jaycee was looking around to see if she knew anyone and she didn't, but before she could say anything the ship started shaking and everyone screamed. Then Thelonious Jaha came on to the big screen. "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now, you've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this. As not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there, if the odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."

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