The face of the Gangadurians instantly lit up and it nodded frantically, it's large ears flapping up and down as it ran towards what I suppose must be the kitchen.

Shiro turned back towards the camera, mentioning "His name is Lizagi, he's following me everywhere I go since we arrived.", but he didn't seem angry about it, smiling warmly.

"Anyways, tell me what more you found out about these organisms please." he asked me curiously. "Well, we had a little..."

My eyes locked with Lance's shortly,

"umm ... accident."

"What happened?"

"Uhh, when we went exploring the trail close up, Lance had come in contact with some of the organisms which seemed to
trigger some kind of reaction in his brain I think. He was giggling and fidgeting, saying random stuff (ahem ahem) and acting like he was on drugs or something. He also had high fiber and shortly after that, passed out cold."

Lance then added "Yeah, my mind was feeling all fuzzy and slow, I still can't really remember what happened that time. We think that the energy waves of the organisms send some kind of electromagnetic pulse towards my brain as I touched them, but we're not sure. You should tell Pidge all about it, I can also send you photos of the organisms, she knows a lot about that stuff."

"That's very irresponsible of you two, don't just go and touch something you don't know without safety!"
Shiro warned us and then nodded looked behind him, maybe someone called his name. "Anyways, thanks for updating me, I'll make sure to tell Pidge everything. I really have to go now, Lizagi is calling me already. Stay safe and report if anything's new, see you!"

With these words, the call ended and the blue screen disappeared.

I'm glad that nothing happened to Shiro and Pidge, I was worried they'd get in trouble fighting the Galra with only two lions, but it seems they're doing perfectly well.

"Oh mannnnn, I also want chocolate chip cookies! Why don't they have fucking flour in space?" Lance threw his hands in the air with an annoyed huff, "Can't they just, I don't know, grow space wheat or something?" With these words, he leaned back against the control pad and checked the magnetic wave radar again, still grumbling about cookies.

"Lance, you take the lead for some time, I remembered something I have to do." I got up and offered him my seat. "Wait, really? Red never lets anyone steer her except you, will she even accept me?"

He looked towards the seat unsure but then a small smile spread on his face,

"Well, you know what, I'm not complaining. Hey there kitty, it's me Lance! Will you let me fly you?" he asked Red in a cute voice and then carefully sat down. He didn't seem to need me anymore, so I quickly hushed away to fulfill my plan.

Where the hell did I put that stuff? Maybe in the storage room on the left?

I checked the whole lion and finally found what I was looking for: the instant Altean chocolate cookie mixture that Allura and Hunk mixed once. I worked quickly and mixed the dry ingredients with the wet stuff and also added some milk from Kaltenecker in a big bowl.

Working quick so Lance doesn't accidentally come in, I formed big balls of dough and sprinkled them with the chocolate I once bought at the space mall, then asked Red to bake the cookies in a kind of oven near it's thrusters where it's very hot.

As they were cooking, I spent my time walking up and down, thinking about Lance, then sitting around, also thinking about Lance and organizing my stuff while, guess who I was thinking about, you're right it's fucking Lance McClain again!

Why the fuck can I just not get that motherfucking idiot out of my head? He's almost like a parasite, nestling down in my brain and infiltrating my every thought. I wanted to curse him further, but then a little voice at the back of my head reminded me,

Well, he may be a parasite, but he's a parasite with a warm and excited voice.

And a very cute nose.

And a great personality if he's not arguing.

And those back muscles, oh damn.

And-OKAY I GOT IT! Don't need to remind me of all of that, I know!

I banned that little evil voice to the farthest corners of my mind and instead focused on getting the cookies out safely without burning my gloves. I let them cool for a couple of minutes and then put them in a floating container which followed me back to the cockpit where Lance was still flying the lion and bopping his head to tunes of Lady Gaga.

"Hey Lance, I have... baked some cookies, you want some?"


Ohh, how will Lance react to the cookies? Will he like them or does Keith just have absolutely zero baking talent?
You'll find out in the next chapter, so stay tuned!
And also, have a good day/night :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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