Chapter 15 : The Sea Boat Race Quest

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"What? Did I hear it right? My name was announced?" Yuhi inquires. Khristian asked the older man beside him, "That made me wonder too, maybe there is a mistake, right, Ruel?"

"I don't want to believe it, but it is indeed her appellation that had truly spoken..."

"However, that cannot be true-you mentioned that this sea maze quest is very different from the last one, correct? There must be a misunderstanding"

With haste, Khristian rose from his seat but Ruel's hand was quick to clasped the prince's arm, halting his frenzied pace.
"Let me go-I have to ask Harriett about this-

"Khristian, please, compose yourself... Look." Ruel says, pointing at Yuhi. The young woman's countenance remained inscrutable, but he sensed her astonishment mirrored their own.

Yuhi fell silent, unable to comprehend the news that she had been selected for a task about which she knew nothing at all. For heaven's sake, she was only recently beginning to learn about the outside world.

The allure of the boundless ocean had whispered to her longing soul, yet this was not the manner in which she had envisioned embarking upon such an odyssey. Particularly distressing was the notion that her very life hung precariously in the balance, casting a shadow of trepidation over her every thought.

According to Ruel, the reason it is risky is that the competitors must overcome obstacles in order to get the ruby which the guardian is protecting, and if they fail, it could jeopardize the guardian's life. The guardian also has a task and will be surrounded by obstacles, they must possess skills to protect not only themselves but also the ruby they are guarding.

"I don't know what to say," Yuhi utters.

"Yuhi, I know it's understandable, but let me see if we can do something, alright?"

"You know how risky this is, Ruel, she shouldn't do this!" Khristian remarks, again almost yelling this time.

"If this worries you, Khristian, imagine how worried will Daemin be once he learned that her name was chosen to be the sea maze guardian."

Khristian asks, irritated, his mind no longer focused on the man hosting the event who is currently speaking on the stage. "What is the anticipated number of contestants taking part in the Sea Maze this year?"

Ruel expressed concern as he sighed heavily, mentioning that participation in the mission may change depending on the results of the Guardian Selection, with an initial expectation of ten individuals.

"The mastermind behind this year's maze has introduced a fresh element that has piqued my curiosity and left me feeling apprehensive. With new obstacles awaiting within, the creator's enigmatic addition has me pondering what lies ahead." Ruel added. He is getting a headache from this. How is this all possible? Why her?

"As the Sea Guardian for the Ruby in this year's Sea Maze Quest has been revealed, let us now turn our attention to the upcoming event details. But first, let us commend the participants in the boat race set to precede the sea maze competition tomorrow." The announcer says. They glanced on the stage for a brief moment, Harriett is gone as expected.

Yuhi says, drawing their attention to herself, "May I excuse myself and go to my chamber now? I am suddenly feeling sleepy."

"I will accompany you," Khristian proposed, but Yuhi declined and shook her head at him. "It is alright, I can go back by myself. I heard you and Ruel are participating in the boat race, so you need to be here."


Daemin was taken aback by Harriett's sudden appearance as the door opened, revealing him. "What is the matter? you are early, it's not time for the lightning event yet-"

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