Chapter 9 : Sudden Visits

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 Daemin POV

"Yuhi, I typically avoid wearing bright colors, but I was fortunate enough to come across one recently." The image of her peacefully asleep next to the bed made me suddenly fall silent. Maybe it was the lengthy stroll and tiredness that led to this.

I feel like I should inquire about how she saved me from the brink of death. It is quite baffling how she knew and was able to do something about it. The ability to cast mystical spells or revive someone seems to be a talent typically associated with sorcerers.

As I gently laid her down on the bed, her cat snuggled up beside her. The tender moment was heartwarming. I murmured to the cat, suggesting that it might be time for its owner and itself to rest. However, there was no reaction from the feline.


"What were your insights, and what was the outcome?"

"She is fast asleep, so I couldn't learn anything."

"Can you tell me Ruel's location?"

"Prince Khristian has arrived, he is currently with Ruel and wishes to speak with you, although it is likely you are already aware of the purpose of his visit."

I nodded at him. "If that is the case, I should go see them right away."


Ruel POV

"Is Daemin still continuing his quest for the mystical flowers?" Khristian asks, prompting a resigned sigh from me as I confirm that he has not relented. "Yes, unless he returns all of them to their rightful place, it appears that he will persist indefinitely."

He released a heavy breath and shifted his gaze towards me, visibly let down and filled with longing desire. " I find it hard to comprehend his behavior lately, ever since he began searching for it, he's been keeping his distance from me.

"He seems to be solely concentrated on locating the remaining elusive flowers that have eluded him up to this point. "

Daemin stood by the door as it opened. After shooting me a brief glance, he retreated and shifted his attention to Khristian, who seemed more curious about his sudden arrival than surprised. "Daemin..."

"Yes, that's me. What brings you here, Khristian?"

They appear to require solitude in order to openly communicate their feelings and thoughts that they have been keeping to themselves. Therefore, I made the choice to give them space.

"I believe it would be more beneficial for you both to have a private conversation, I will go check on Taevan."

As I pass by, I lightly touch their shoulder, hoping that no issues arise between them.


The prince stated, "You recognize why I am here and that coming here was not entirely my decision." Daemin retorted, "Even with you here, you should have some inkling of what I'm about to say, shouldn't you?" The prince felt annoyed by Daemin's reply, acknowledging that he is already aware of what he is going to say, and he cannot refuse his parents even though he cannot convince him otherwise.

The prince's voice was filled with pleading as he asked, "Can you please reconsider one more time?" Despite being capable, Daemin expressed a lack of desire to attend.

"Do you expect me to continue working for your benefit without receiving anything in return? What more do you want me to do in order for you to agree once again? "

Daemin appears to be paying no attention to what he is being told, so he made a decision to reveal one of his final tricks in the expectation that it may sway him to contemplate it. "Could you please take a moment to think about it? Grandfather is unwell, his condition is fragile, you are aware of how much he cares for you, he sees you as a grandson just like me, he longs for your presence, and he yearns to meet you."

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