Chapter 2 : Her Auspicious Day

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 "Finally, its my day," she muttered to herself. Its the day that belongs solely to her. While her mother may not be present on this occasion, as she must attend to a pressing matter, she assures her return within a mere two days' time. 

Well, there is nothing to worry about, because the kind act of acquiring a new set of paints guarantees that she will be interested and not bored, inviting her to participate in the world of art that she truly enjoys. 

With diligent vigilance, she maintains an unwavering watchfulness over her mother's every action, providing her steadfast assistance in everything she needs, even going so far as to aid her in the preparations for her impending journey.

"Darling, remember what I told you, huh? Do not go outside other than-

She sighed and picked up her mother's hand, which rested on her cheek. "I know, mother, it's dangerous, I shouldn't go out other than the place where we pick flowers, for its nearby, and you allow me, and for that, I should be grateful. Don't worry, I will wait for you."

"Yuhi, can you pass me that satchel behind you? I think I put one of my belongings in there." her mother asked, giving her a sideways glance, to which she quickly responded.

Summoning her mother's focus, she inquired, "Pray tell, does this satchel  possess the desired thing you refer to?" As she clutched the ethereal brown and ebony vessels, her uncertainty obscured the satchel to which she gestured.

"The ebony satchel, my dear" Yuhi presented the ebony satchel to her mother thereafter.

She gave her the hat that she had made especially for her, fearing that she would forget it. Her eyes fell on it. "Mom, it matches your dress. I made it for you, so please wear it. I think I should tell you in case you forget."

As Yuhi's reflection captured her mother meticulously arranging her hair, a surge of anticipation coursed through her veins. The enchanting glimmer in her mother's eyes affirmed the approval she sought. Yuhi's heart fluttered in response, reassured by the knowledge that her mother was content with her creation. "Without a doubt, I shall accept your gracious offer, dear Yuhi," she eloquently expressed in gratitude.

With a tender smile upon her countenance, her mother bestowed a gentle kiss upon her daughter's brow. "Thus concludes our discourse, my dearest one. May you forever cherish the depth of my affection and retain every word I have imparted unto you." her mother added, to which she responded with a firm nod.

As she bids farewell to her beloved maternal figure, she tenderly utters, "Have a safe trip, love you, dear Mother." And once the contours of her form vanish from her sight, she dutifully obeys her mother's wishes by securing the entrance and embarking upon her customary regimen.


Yuhimi POV

"From where shall I commence?" I cast my gaze upon the feline companion stationed by my side. Ah, what do I anticipate in this moment? A reciprocation of discourse from the creature? I gently caress its auditory appendages, and I divert my attention to the provisions adorning our pantry.

Upon perusing the constituent components, it has become apparent to me that their collective purpose is intended solely for the art of baking. Alas, I shall dutifully endeavor to remind my dear mother of this undeniable fact during our forthcoming joint expedition to the market. In retrospect, I now comprehend the imperative nature of beseeching her to procure a greater quantity of succulent meat during our previous visitation.

In my quest, a singular option sufficed. I opted to scour the loftier recesses, in pursuit of the tome. How marvelous! Could it truly be that I myself placed it in this elevated abode? Great! For what purpose does its lofty positioning serve?

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